🔧𝕀𝕥 𝕙𝕦𝕣𝕥𝕤🐹

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, we probably shouldn't have trusted Monokuma in the first place...who's idea was it to even go on that stupid train anyways?"

I lean against the door of the room I've decided to claim, there was only about six rooms so I think we'd be fine if we chose out own without having to talk about it.

"It was Hajime's Idea I'm guessin'....Tho we can't blame em' he didn't know..." A sigh escapes the lady besides me, she then perked up and started walking twoards a room close to mine. "Anyways! I'm gettin tired. Let's investigate tomorrow. Maybe we can start with that elevator?"

"Yeah, for sure!" I watched as she entered the room, leaving no other statement behind. Well, guess I'll see if the others found anything.

I made my way down the pink stairs. Man, all this pink is starting to get annoying.

Once I got down, I scanned the room for anyone that could be inside. My eyes landed on only one person, and it seemed to be the ultimate gamer.

"Hey! Hey! Chiaki! You got anything on this place?" I ran over to her, as soon as I got over she out on this very out-of-character smile. Maybe that's just my mind though.

"Oh hello, yes. This room is suppose to give us a clue. But the room is also very dangerous. So, we don't know if we are gonna use it...Monokuma informed us on that. It's also called 'the final dead room'. We were thinking it might be where our friends be held captive." My ears perked up at that last part.

Maybe Gundham is in there...

"But, we are gonna all go in together. So please don't go in alone...the others have gone to bed. I'm also going to sleep, so I suggest you do to. Goodnight." Chiaki waves off to me, before quickly running up the stairs to get to her room.

So much information has been pushed into my head today , but it's not like I can do anything about this situation anyway. Can I?

I decided not to dwell on the final dead room right now. Or the fact half of us are missing...

I can't, I gotta be strong.

After standing in silence for a bit, I got back up to the room of rooms I decided to pick a room out of the ones that this place provided. Of course we had more investigating to do. We didn't investigate all the rooms on the bottom floor nor the elevator, but we can always do that tomorrow.

But, we are limited on time if you think about it.

That reminds of of the countdown in the central island...

I shook away the thought of that island. I didn't need to be thinking about that right now.

As soon as I got into the room, I flopped down onto the okay bed. It wasn't bad or anything, so I'll be fine. It's probably just my head..

I curled up into a small ball to try and comfort myself, hugging my arms around my empty stomach. I didn't even realize tears were running down my face until I was full out sobbing.

My mind began to wander with intrusive thoughts. Everything felt so hopeless at this point. Everyone is keeping strong, and here I am. Crying on this weird bed alone..

I cringed at the sound of my own pitiful whimpers. I tried to cover my mouth to muffle my crying, but it only made me cry harder.

But I couldn't stop the thinking. What if we can't find Gundham? What then? I don't wanna die like this. Not after I finally accepted myself to loving him...not after finally getting to feel love..

This hurts..

Is this what despair feels like..?

I wish Gundham was here...I just wanna feel safe with him...like our lives weren't on the line here...

That was the last thing I thought, before letting sleep consume me.

-Gundham's POV-

I don't know how long I've been hanging on the wall, but I'm slowly starting to lose my sanity being chained up. I wanted answers to my questions. I wanted to know if kazzy was alright...but I mostly wanted to know how ..

Somehow, in some f*cKinG way. Sonia, is still alive.

And oh boy, did I misunderstand her completely.

She was currently eyeing me, up and down. That sharp knife steady in her hands. I was hoping she'd go away after awhile, but she's still here, and I don't know what she's gonna do next.

"Well, how about I explain myself." The princess brought out a chair I didn't even know she had, sitting herself right in front of me with such an amuzed face.

Is this really the Sonia I used to love?

"First off, your probably wondering how I'm alive, yes? Well. I never died to begin with, and I've never wanted to be with you to begin with. I wanted to use you as a sacrafice. So, I got junko to bring me into this death game. So I could claim you as mine~" giggles of pure amuzment rang from the girl in front of me. Half of what she's saying makes no sense to me at all.

I didn't know who junko was.

But I don't think I wanna know, so I didn't question it.

But, how in the hell did she fake her own death?

"Argh,, answer me. How did you do it?" I pulled on the chain on my wrist in an attempt to lose them, but of course it didn't work.

"Well~ I can't tell you that. I've already told you so much,,, and those hallucinations to! If only I could explain those to you...AhH! I'm holding so many secrets right now it's so...despair inducing" her words rang through me, I didn't wanna believe this was the Sonia I knew.

No, I'm not going to believe it.

"Let me go you fiend! Wait- where are the devas!? Where are the others! Answer me n-"

Her cold, unrealistic lips touched onto mine to silence me.

I ran cold.

This doesn't feel like Sonia.

I don't want this to be Sonia.

She only sperated to bring the knife up to neck once again, her gaze looking at me with such lovlyness..as if she wasn't trying to murder me.

"Oh sweet gundham~ you'll find out soon enough. But for now..."

She suddenly tilted the knife down to my chest only light enough to draw a little blood, pink liquid falling down onto the cement of the cage.

"I want you all for myself, kazuichi can't have you"


I hope this isn't where I leave you.

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