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"SO HE KEPT YOU, HOSTAGE?" Caroline asked Damon curiously. She wanted the know the story of how Damon and Micah fell in love. They've gotten past how they met. Now it was the mighty tale of the shared love Damon and Micah had for each other. "He knows you're not what he wants?" Damon rose his brows to Carolines last words, slightly offended. Hint of insecurity showed in his eyes. What if he wasn't what Micah wanted? The fault of his lovers death was on his hands. The blood he spilt was nothing compared to the split blood of Micah Underwood.

Damon took a large gulp of his drink, his mind flashing back to the memory he was about to divulge to listening ears."He figured out I wasn't the vampire he was looking for after Major left, find the enemy or die."

Damon shook his head to Majors threat. He wondered why Micah never fought against the Major. Always asking questions that gave him different answers.

"You need me, " Damon whispered to Micah who checked his injuries. Damon was not Healing, that worried not just Damon but Micah. "WHY?" Damon questioned gripping Micah's shirt, the Grimm simply removed Damons hold, not phased.

"You are not important, " Micah responded, applying a brown looking paste to the injury. One he had made from leaves and sand. Something about nature is the greatest medicine. Especially to monsters like Damon. Maybe nature will test him first before he was healed. "I will use you as bait."

Damon's eyes widen to Micah's words. Bait! Was that why he was profusely bleeding? What had Micah treated him with? He wondered if this natural medicine as another trap to kill him. But why even try? He wanted Damon for a reason and now was the time for Damon to use his wit and brain.

"I can help you, " Damon raspily let out, coughing loudly. Almost rolling onto the wet concrete ground. "I know people. They might know people who know people." The veins around Damon's neck began to swell, the vampire coughs.

Micah watches him, unwavering at the pain the vampire endured by his hands. He rose his brows before pressing his boots to Damon's neck."If you lie-" Micah began threateningly to Damon who coughed, trying to speak.

"-Yeah, you'll kill me."

Micah let go of Damon, helping him up. He pushed the vampire back to the chair."No, I will kill everyone you've ever loved- starting with your brother."

Damon's eyes widen at Micah's words, he weakly lunged at the Grimm who pushed him back with little effort."Touch a hair on his head and I'll pay you handsomely, starting with the ones you love. I know some witches who-" Micah snapped Damon's neck, already tired with the empty threats of the vampire.

"He snapped your neck." Elena shrieked with wide eyes. Stefan looked at his brother before speaking. Despite his brother's hatred towards him, he protected him from a Grimm. Despite an eternity of misery promised, Damon protected Stefan. It warmed his heart. His brother would never kill him. Despite the odds they faced. They were blood. They were family.

"You deserve it." Bonnie responded to Damon who glared at her. She wished she could slap the smirk off his face, but she was understanding the love he lost.

"Yes, I lived. Alive. I woke up in a motel room next. Thank God, next thing, he's going ad coming. Building some kind of map. I'm still- I haven't healed. Draining of blood and the wound he gave me wasn't healing." Damon briefly explained. He could still remember the look on Micah's face when his skin became pale. He was losing more blood and was unable to feed.

"Was it because of the weapons he used?" Jeremy asked Damon who shook his head.

Micah wrapped a white bandage around Damon's injury. The vampire who laid on the bed of the motel coughed. Blood began oozing from his nose. The injury opened once again, taming the worry Micah felt. They only increased.

Damon coughed again, she's rising and hurting from the loud booming cough that swirled from his chest. He closed his eyes in pain, breathing heavily. "You should kill me." Damon whizzed out weakly to Micah who stood up. The Grimm looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"Know it or not, you are needed-" Micah began to Damon who began to smile despite the pain be felt.

"-I am needed, " Damon coughed, a twinkle in the Salvatores's eyes. He covered his mouth, sitting up slowly but Micah held him down."Its been a few days, you are not getting anywhere either."

He was right. Micah was behind despite all the leads he took. Maybe Damon was important. For a reason, the vampire was lead to him. He had been chasing the wrong vampire. Maybe Damon was a piece to his puzzle.

"You should save your strength, " Micah cleared his throat, his green eyes went cold and his heart gave him a pause that almost made him cry. Why was his heart aching so much? He had no idea. "Or I will kill you myself."

He walked away from the vampire who laughed before coughing up blood. His eyes trailed over to Micah who picked up his sword and jacket."Come back to me, " Damon whispered. Micah felt a heavy weigh in his heart. His breath quickened. "Come back to me."

Micah turned around, the vampire was hallucinating. He had no idea of what but his time was running out."I will be back."

Micah softly whispered as if he knew. Maybe Damon was asking for him. The pull he felt was strong. He could not resist but he forced himself to fight. He would not give in to whatever felt. It was tearing him apart.

"-Wait, " Bonnie interrupted."Are you saying Micah loved you before he knew he loved you?"The Bennett witch questioned Damon in confusion. The raven-haired vampire took a deep breath.

"I'm getting to that part." Damon laughed when he remembered specific words of Micah that always brought am illuminating feeling to his heart.

"But it also doesn't explain why you're not healing, why he was in love with you before he knew." Jeremy scoffed annoyed. The story for more confusing each moment.

"Fine, here goes, spoil the story. one; the sword wasn't the sole reason I wasn't healing. Two; I'll explain when we get there." Damon grumpily told Jeremy who looked away.

Stefan furrowed his eyes at his brother."If the sword wasn't the problem, then what was?" he questioned but only one explanation could answer his question.

Damon breathed out before pouring himself a drink again."His blood."


Welcome. We will answer the questions of Micahs feelings..we will
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