II Real? Real.

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It was silent for a few minutes, except for my low humming. Eventually everyone got over what had happened and they seemed to sober up a bit. I moved back to my upside down position, my legs hanging over the back of the couch as I played with the bobby pin. Alex and Darwin had moved over to the game in the corner while the rest of them just sat around the room.

"Whoa! All right, all right." Alex cheered as he was winning. I barely listened to them as I focused on the pin in my hands.

"Jesus, man, you are killing me." Darwin exclaimed.

"Don't beat yourself up. I've had a lot of spare time." There was a voice from the window and I rolled my eyes at their words.

"I didn't know the circus was in town. Hey, come on, honey. Give us a little... No? Come on, let's see the foot. There it is. Come on, BigFoot, let's go. Hey. Hey, come on. Hey." The guy called as Hank shut the curtains on them. I decided to have some fun and focused on the guy just outside the window. I pictured the image of a bottomless ravine and heard a Yelp from outside. I smirked as I knew the man thought he was about to fall to his death. Suddenly there were more screams from outside and I dropped the illusion. I didn't cause those screams.

"What was that?" Darwin asked as he and Alex walked over.

"I don't know. Something doesn't feel right." Alex said as he went and stood right next to my feet. I swung around so I was sitting up. Darwin moved the curtain so we could see outside the window and a dead body fell in front of it. Raven and Angel screamed in horror and the guys all backed up. I stayed in my spot, staring as guards were gathering.

"Get back! Do not leave that room. We're under attack!" One shouted at us and I tucked my bobby pin into my hair, just behind my ear for safe keeping. A man with red skin and a tail appeared behind the men and the others shouted for them to shoot.

"Shoot! Shoot!" The men started shooting at the man but he teleported and took them out. I wonder what it would feel like to get shot? The others screamed and I tilted my head to the side as they ducked for cover. I wasn't going to move but Alex grabbed my hand and pulled me with them. We landed with me on top of him and he blushed.

"Sorry." He apologized but I just shrugged. I got off of him as Raven screamed. On the other side of the room a tornado was blowing through the compound.

"Stay here, my ass! Let's go!" Darwin shouted, shielding us with his body. He led the way as we ran out of the room. Alex still held my hand and I let him pull me with him even though something in me really wanted to find out the pain of being shot.

"Get back!" Another guard shouted as he and another held us back from the hallway.

"We can help! We can help!" They shouted but it was no use. An explosion went off and Alex dragged me back into the room, the others following. They screamed but I stayed silent as we crowded back into the rec room. Both windows burst open and the two men entered, having killed all the agents. A voice came from behind the doors.

"Wait! You want the mutants? They're right through that door. Just let us normal people go. We're no threat..." the voice of the guard was cut off and I knew he died. A man in a weird helmet entered and closed the door behind him. Alex pushed me behind him which wasn't really necessary as I couldn't be killed but whatever helps him feel better.

"Where is the telepath?" He asked the man with the red skin who answered.

"Not here."

"Too bad." He glanced over us and I narrowed my eyes slightly. Who is this man? "I suppose I better keep this on just in case." I noted the look he gave me. "Good evening. My name is Sebastian Shaw. And I am not here to hurt you." He was cut off by a guard yelling freeze. "Azazel." The red man killed the guard. "My friends, there is a revolution coming." I rolled my eyes and found myself zoning out. I tried to get in the man's head to try and make him hallucinate but that must be what the helmet is blocking. Shaw walked towards us and I felt Alex grip my hand. I zoned back in as he was directly in front of us now. "And queens." Shaw held his hand out and Angel took it.

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