Chapter 13

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What the hell???

GRoWlll! "Geez didn't i just eat like less than an hour ago!?" you thought to yourself. "Eh whatever i'll just got heat up something." You go downstairs to grab some food. 

                                  ~Sebastian's POV~ 

What the heck did i just do.... That was my first kiss, with my bestfriend... Ahaha I'm sure won't take it the wrong way. Where is she anyways? Well it is Tessa so.. I'll just go to sleep then.

                            ~end of POV~

You warm up a hot pocket in the microwave.  "Should i tell Tessa what happened? Pfft of course i should.. Just not right now."  You scroll through insta slowly eating your food.  Then you realize that its 1AM. You finish up and look out the window, you guys had forgot to close it.

Getting up to close the window, you notice a figure moving outside. " Someone is out for a walk at this hour? Damn." You thought as you close the blinds. 

You walk back to Sebastian's room to go to sleep. He was already asleep. "Cute" you said as you sneak into the bed and fall asleep. 


You get up around 7 in the morning before anyone else, or so you thought. You go downstairs to make breakfast for everyone.  But chef Oli was already in the kitchen. You walk behind his and scare him  as you suddenly spoke  "do you need any help?" 

He slightly jumps and turns around. " AH y/n you scared me!"  " Teehee,  my bad" you said as you walk behind him and grab the spatula to stir the eggs.

You two finish making breakfast just as Sebastian and Rj come downstairs. You wanted to avoid Sebastian after last night but him being the person he is you, that would be impossible. You serve their plates as they sit. 

So far you two just acted as if nothing had happened. You somewhat fell hurt by it but, you knew that it was best not to acknowledge what happened. It would just be awkward right? " I'm sure he didn't even mean anything by it... So why am i still  thinking about it ......"

A/n: Goddamn this chapter is so short please forgive me. I wasn't feeling the best so that's why i didn't upload last week. I am feeling a bit better now so i'll upload this for now. Next week i'll have a longer chapter i promise.

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