Chapter 4 😱

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I went to pick up my phone to see who was calling me at 7:30 in the morning. I looked at my phone and it was... Sebastian!?

~Sebastian's p.o.v~

 It's 1:30 AM and I can't sleep. I realized i didn't call y/n yesterday so I thought I might call her, plus it's like 7:30 where she lives I think and she wakes up kinda early. I picked up my phone to ft her. It rang like three times before she answered. As soon as she answered I said hello and looked at my screen and she said hi, and as soon as she said that my heart started pounding! What the, I could feel my face getting red and I think she saw...

~end of seb's p.o.v.~

~ft convo with seb~

Seb: hello

Y/n: hi

Right after I  said hi Seb turned really red, I'm just not going to say anything 

Y/n: so what's up, isn't it like 1:30 or something over there

Seb: yea but I couldn't sleep, and I didn't call you yesterday so I thought I'd call you right now

Y/n: oh ok

Seb: so whatcha doing 

Y/n: nothing just got out the shower 

Seb: oh ok kool 

Seb: It's been forever since i last saw you like in person when do you think we will see each other again 

Y/n: soon

Seb:  What do you mean soon

Y/n: um I mean I hope I see you like soon

Seb: oh ok

Tessa: hey y/n who you talking to 

Y/n: Sebastian 

Tessa: ohhhh ok Ima go umm downstairs bye

Seb: oooook then😂

Y/n: hahaha 😂

Y/n: well you go get some sleep and stay safe wuv yu

Seb: wuv yu too night

~end of ft convo ~

Right after Seb hung up I screamed in my pillow. Why did he turn red? Why was I so excited that he called me he always calls me!? Why am I asking myself SO MANY QUESTIONS!?

~Seb's p.o.v.~

Right after I hung up I felt so happy. I guess that's just that best friend magic idk. But why was I blushing so hard? What did she really mean by "soon"? Why am I asking  myself SO MANY QUESTIONS!?  Then Oliver walked in. 

Oli: hey Sebastian 

He said while rubbing his eyes

Me: hey

Oli: who were you talking to

Me: uhhh y/n

Oli: 😏ohhhh 

Me: what 

Oli: nothing 

Me: your acting like Tessa when I ft Y/n what's going on

Oli: wha nothing, oh btw your kinda red do you want some water

Me: uh no it's fine 

Oli: mkay then, ima go back to bed night

Me: night 

I need to go to sleep. I want to talk to Oli tomorrow about maybe surprising y/n in Britain.

A/N: Oh snap whats happening here!? Not that long of a chapter sorry. Maybe new update tomorrow but like I'm sick and I have loads of hw, but I'll try to update tomorrow. Also I wanna say thank you so much for 80 views, and make sure to vote!  Omg I'm so happy guys Seb gave me a shoutout on his live today and played Michael Jackson for me, today was amazing! Goodnight, Moy Army to the Top, love ya, and stay positive!!🥰

My Crush on My best friendTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon