"No, that's what you're for."

"Hey, trouble finds me. I don't seek it out."

"Whatever. Just be careful, okay?"

"Yeah. You too."

I made my way to Derek's. There was something about him that intrigued me and I would be damned to Hades if I didn't find out what it was.

Derek stepped onto his front porch. "What are you doing here, Nicolette? Shouldn't you be with those friends of yours?"

"Well, I could be, but consider my curiosity piqued. You looked at me weirdly the last time we were here. Why?"

"You're not ready to know why."


"I'm not telling you."


"Nicolette, stop. Okay? I'll tell you when you need to know."

"Fine. Just tell me one thing. Am I important to you?"

He nodded. "Yes. Very."

"Well, okay, then. See, that wasn't so hard."

"Did you come here to ask that or are you here for another reason?"

"No, that was it."

"All right, well, I've got some things to do. Go home, Nicolette. You've got school tomorrow."

"School sucks. It's worse than the Underworld. I should know. Well, from what I've heard. Percy's been there, I haven't. Nico's been there too- and... he's gone."

Derek drove off and my friends appeared moments later.

Stiles sighed. "Good. You're still alive."

I frowned. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because that's Derek freaking Hale, Nica! He killed his sister!"

"You don't know that!"

"Wait, something's different," Scott said.

"Different how?" Stiles asked.

"I don't know. Let's just get this over with."

They started digging, leaving me to keep watch. Honestly wasn't the smartest idea... it's hard to focus for long periods of time when absolutely nothing is happening besides what's right in front of you.

"This is taking way too long," Scott stated.

"Just keep going," Stiles told him.

"What if he comes back?"

"Then we get the hell out of here."

"What if he catches us?"

"I have a plan for that."

"Which is?" Scott and I questioned.

"You run one way. I run the other. One of us takes Nica. Whoever he catches first, too bad."

Scott frowned. "I hate that plan."

I shrugged. "I don't mind it." The boys looked at me. "What? He's intriguing, okay? And if he tries anything, I'll stab him. My sword should hurt him."

"Oh, stop, stop, stop," Stiles suddenly said.

"Hurry," Scott told him as Stiles untied something wrapped in cloth.

"I'm trying. Did he have to tie this thing in, like, 900 knots?"

"I'll do it." Scott untied the object, revealing a wolf's head.

Ocean Eyes // D. H.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora