Chapter 2

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"Bye, Hueningkai!" They say as we all split our ways in the hallway.

Dang it! I don't even know where math is! Cassie! I swear when I find you, I'm going to...well I don't know what I'm going to do, but I'm going to do something!

"Cassie! Did you really think I wouldn't find you? Why are you like this? Those boys are probably lost in the hallways because of your awful tour! Can't you just make one friend because no offense having a principal as a friend sucks for you and that's coming from me." I watch as the principal gripes at Cassie, kind of feeling bad for her because we sinched on her.

When did I even say you were my friend, flower princess?

She holds up her notebook, and I have to slap my hands over my mouth to keep my laughter from spilling out of my mouth.

"Ugh! You unappreciative girl! I swear! Nevermind, just go to your math class, I think one of the new boys are going to be there. Why- don't just walk away from me...and she did...what am I going to do with that girl." She rubs her head, turning away from the already disappearing girl, I quickly run after hoping that I can figure out where math class is, but instead of finding I slam into her, collapsing onto the hard marble floor.

"Oh no! I'm so sorry! Uhhh...are you okay?" I quickly pick myself off her, but the look I receive from her doesn't look like she wants to talk to me at all. She yanks herself off the floor as she walks in front of me, and I follow since I still have no idea where math class is.

Suddenly, she whips around, banging into me once again.

Why are you following me? Leave.

She shows me quickly, but I shake my head as I grab the pin from her and notebook.

No, I don't know where math is, and your in math class. I'm not leaving. I write down for her. At first she looks mad that I took her notebook, but then I see a look I haven't seen before, but before I could figure it out; she grabs my shirt, pulling me behind her.

What the heck is she doing? You know what nevermind. I'm not going to say anything thing because my silence got me into this and it's going to get me out, or thrown into a dumpster never to be found again...let's hope the first one is right...

I try to keep up with the short girl, pulling me which is surprisingly hard. She continues to pull me, until we reach a classroom that I hope is math, and not some abandoned one where she's going to end my life.

She pushes open the door, and I literally sigh with relief when I see kids in the room as well as a teacher.

"Ah, Miss Denn, I thought you were skipping today? What about your schedule? Who is this behind you?" The male teacher spills out questions that Cassie obviously doesn't answer, and walks over to the desk in the very back. "Alright, just ignore me like I'm not here...its not like I'm a human being with feelings...anyway, who are you?" He turns to me, acting like he wasn't about to cry just because Cassie ignored him...weirdo...

"I'm Hueningkai, I'm new here." I say to him as well as the class.

"Alright, Hueningkai, go sit beside Miss Denn if you want to get crushed to peices, or just sit on the floor, and tomorrow I'll get you a new desk. Chose wisely." He says, I make the obvious decision, and walk towards the back of the classroom.

Why the heck would I want to sit on a dirty floor when I can sit in a desk in the back? Weirdo...

"What! He's actually going to sit back there with the freak?"

"Ugh, that whore she totally paid him to sit next to her."

"I would have chosen to sit on the floor, if I was him."

I hear whispers fill the room, all negative about Cassie. Alright, I'm absolutely certain that this school is evil, and the boys and I made a horrible decision to come her as foreign exchange students.

"Alright class let's talk about how x equals 14! Fun, right!" The teacher shouts while everyone groans, including me.

Taking out my notes, I try to follow his instructions, but completely lose focus, so now my notes contain a cute dolphin, squeaking.

Yeah...I'm probably not going to pass whatever test he gives...maybe Cassie knows!

I quickly look over to find her passed out on the desk.

Of course she is...

"Cassie. Cassie! Cassie! Dang it! I know you can hear me!" I whisper yell at her, and I can tell she can hear me from the small lift of her lips. "Please I need your help, I don't understand-

I'm sleeping.

She holds up her notebook, and I just want to yank it from her and scribble mean words, but that's not very nice of me.



"Alright, you miserable kids, leaves so I can mope about never becoming an astronaut, and being stuck in a stupid highschool." The teacher announces while he slumps in his wheely chair, slowly rolling into the corner where the were sheets covering it.

Ummm...does this guy have some psychological issues or something because he looks like he needs a therapist. Well anyway I need to find what class I'm- wait it's the end of the day? Did we really get here that late?

I walk towards the door, bumping once again into Cassie.

"Sorry." I say to her, but she doesn't even stay for my apology and is already out the door.

Dang she is fast.

"Hey wait-

"Hueningkai! Come on we have to leave and go to the house. Mrs. Main is expecting us!" Yeonjun yells across the hallway. I turn away from the mysterious Cassie, walking over to the boys.

"Ugh, guys I was about to talk with Cassie!" I throw my hands up frustrated at them.

"Ha, with what your eyes? That girl wouldn't talk to you even if you paid her. Remember, she's mute." Yeonjun teased me, patting me on the back.

"Yeah bro, you should just give up." Taehyun slaps me on the back.

Well thanks for the encouragement!

"Guys, I think if I really try, I could be friends with her, and don't you think its weird how everyone hates her? I was in her math class, and everyone was talking so negative about her!" I try to convince them, and it seems I get to them.

"Yeah...your not the only one...When went to class people talk really bad about her too. Believe it or not she use to be popular, but one day she stopped talking at least that's what the guy I asked said about her." Yeonjun rubs the back of his head.

"Are you serious? So it's not just in the classroom it's all over the school? What did she do to make everyone hate her so much?"

"I don't know, but what I do know is that I'm hungry, and Mrs. Main just texted me saying food is ready!" Soobin yells, running out of the school while I try to catch up to

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