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"Watch out." Ace yelled as a giant green/ purple robot walked down the street. He flew fast, and grabbed a woman out- of- the way from being stepped on. "Lantern!" Looking back, he saw Green Lantern on the street unconscious. "Damn it!" He cursed then turn into Super saiyan and charged with Superman, Powergirl, and Supergirl and made a big hole.

"Now Batman!" Superman yelled as Batman threw a batterang in the Robot having it explode, and fall dow over Green Lantern, J'onn. and Hawkgirl. "Guys! Ace yelled before flying over Flash to slow the robot down as it shocked Superman, Powergirl, Supergirl sending them over to a building. The robot exploded leaving a crater, and distorted buildings.

"No, Warrior! Supergirl and Powergirl flew down to the crater, and looked around. "No." Powergirl whispered seeing a part of his cape on the ground.

Ace, Flash Green Lantern Hawkgirl, and J'onn.

Everyone groaned as they sat up. "Does everyone else have a headache because I do." Ace asked holding as head as everyone stood up.

"Superman!" Green Lantern yelled as Ace shook his head. "No I don't sense his energy or the others here." He said as everyone eyes widen. "I'll try telepathic." Concentrating for a moment, J'onn fell over screaming l. "Easy big guy." Flash said as he, and Hawkgirl caught him. "Easy big guy." Flash said as he, and Hawkgirl caught him.

Looking up they saw that buildings are smaller than normal land it was only three stories high. "Maybe whoever was controlling that robot must of transport us to a different universe." Ace said before Green Lantern spoke up. "Ok let's see where we are." They all separated with Ace flying after Green Lantern to a street, and saw people walking around dressed like the fiftes. 'This is what Barbara means by the 50s.' Ace thought in his head.

Flash dashed over to them. "Something not right." Green Lantern commented before seeing an ice cream truck go by as the driver, and smiled at them. " I haven't seen truck like that since I was a kid." He finished as Flash raised and eyebrow. "Maybe we went back in time." He asked as Ace check his time watch. "No because if we did my watch would've been beeping and besides I think that we are in a another universe." He said picking up a newspaper and saying Seaboard City.

" Seaboard City? Where the heck is that?" Flash asked as Ace groaned because no one listening to him before they heard an alarm go off. Looking to their right the saw a man with wild orange hair in a pink tuxedo with an accordion around his neck coming out of a music center holding a violin. A police car came up, and two police officers walked out. "Give up the Stradivarius Music Master!"

Music master puts the violin in a bag, and attacks them with the accordion that shot out yellow energy as he played it. He jumped in a flute shaped car, and sped off. Only for Green Lantern to grab the car with his ring m. "Hold it." Looking back, Music Man smirked. "Your disguise cant fool me... Green Guardsman."

Green Lantern raised an eyebrow. "Green Gudsman?" He asked as Music man attacked him with his accordion sending him to the music center having debris  fall. Ace put a big enough barrier around the police men  that made the debris fall over them. Green Lantern got up, grabbed the bag with his ring. "Dang." Music master said leaving as Green Lantern gave the bag to Flash. "Hold it right there."

Looking up, they saw a man with brown hair, yellow sweat shirt with a blue 'T' on it, black pants, blue tights with a belt with a big sliver buckle with a fan, and silver wrist protectors. The man turned the belt on, and electricity came out on the man hands. "You know... Crime doesn't pay." He said jumping down. "Now wait a min...."Ace was hit but he stood still surprising him.

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