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Gotham city, Biotech Laboratory at night

A guard was walking back and forth in front of the entrance of the entrance before a pair of legs cane down, and wrapped around his neck. Falling unconscious the person dropped reviling Copperhead. "He's down." She said as shade, Grundy, sapphire, and two women floating walked up. The first woman is of Asia decent with short hair in black/red amor with a red visor that went around her head with a katana on her back.

The second is a blonde- haired woman in a white costume with gold jewelry, and wrist protectors. "Well down Copperhead." She said then she turned around to the door put her hand out fire a ball of ki destroying the door. The other looked surprised. "Wow that's the same thing that warrior does how you do that?" Copperhead asked and she shook her head. "That's for me to know and for you to never find out." The blonde woman said. As the group walked in.

"Don't move." A guard said as he and three others ran up to them. "Tsukuri." The other woman put her hand up and fire a blast of ki killing the other guards leaving nothing of them. The first woman sighed. "We're behind schedule.. Shade cover us." She said as Shade used his cane to cover the hall in shadow.

Coming up to a safe the woman looked thoughtful for a moment. "It won't be long until the police respond to the silent alarm." Sapphire walked up to the safe and grinned. "I've got this." Shooting a beam out, she started to cut a hole in the safe. Walking in they saw a plant in a glass tube in the middle of the room. "At... least Here it is."

Grundy leaned to Copperhead. "What are we stealing?" He asked as she shrugged. "Don't know, don't care as long as we get paid." She replied before they left not noticing a shadow fight move from the rafters. Suddenly a boss warpped around Shade, he and Copperhead fiend around only to be kicked by Batman. "What?" The woman asked as sapphire raised a hand.

"Don't worry.. I got him." She started attacking Batman who went around a corner. Sapphire walked over, and Batman jumped up to a mirror, and used it to reflect Sapphire energy. The blonde woman started small laser beams getting Batman off guard because he knows only one person that could this. He was able to dodge a few of them.

Then she appeared in front of him threw Batman to a pipe knocking her out. She never notice the necklace as she left.

Burduffs, Ace, and Wonder Woman.

A crowd gather outside the stone seeing Ace, and Wonder Woman in the store with Wonder Woman looking at jewelry. "Is Warrior dating her also?" I know that new interview he did with Lois he's dating batgirl, and another woman. One whispered to another. Inside ace stood beside Diana as she looked at a pair of earrings. "See anything you like?" He asked as she walked backwards facing him.

"No noth.." she stopped hitting a mannequin. Ace caught the arm that fell off, and fixed it back on. Catching up to her, he saw Diana come up to a seller talking to a customer about lipstick. "That's so defiantly your color don't you think so miss..." The seller trailed off as she, and the others woman eyes widened.

"Why would anyone cover their natural beauty?" She asked as the woman standing beside her snorted. "Easy for you to say miss cheekbones... Now what about Autumn Summer?" Ace walked up to Diana, and looked to the two women. "Don't  worry about that... I blame the media for saying women aren't beautiful unless they look like models, and buy their products."

"Do men have that problem?" She asked as Ace thought for a moment. "Kind of... I've only see it for kids, and teens that are a little fat." He explanied before they came up to the perfume counter. The seller sprayed some on Diana,who grabbed the woman. "Whoa Wonder Woman.. She just giving you a sample of the product." Ace grabbing her by the worst. The woman nodded quickly, and explained.

Xenoverse Justice League.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora