Task Five - New Beginnings

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This is a simple task where NO ONE DIES.

After making it back to the school you escaped to the staff room with supplies in hand. There you lived for a month. [The characters that die in votes tomorrow night would have supposedly died over the course of this month] You've created a secure barricade and guard system in an organised fashion.

Your task is to re-write your character entries and explain/show how much the past month and days has changed them.

Send the entry to me in PM/Chat and I'll post it as soon as I can

Name: [Full Name]

Gender: [Male/Female]

Age: [11-16] 

Year: [7-11]

Appearance/Actor Link: [Not much would have changed, just copy and paste the same as before]

Personality: [This can be your main character build up.]

Family and Other: [Parents? Siblings? Best friends? Does your character know if anything has happened to them yet?]

Relationship with every other stundent: [here create a short sentance or line on what your character thinks to each of the remaining students, what is your relationship with them? This will require communication as the realtionship would have to be the same as others]

Which death has effected them the most: [Who and Why]

Weapon and Tactics: [You've been surviving for a month in this group now, What are your characters main plans? Are you a leader? Or do you simply follow? has much changed?]


Due to hand in for tomorrow night AFTER the votes close in the day. So due for 22 hours from my first comment. If you're character is up for votes, then I wouldn't do it until you are 100% CERTAIN they are through. (or be prepared and do it for fun!)

Author Games: SirensWhere stories live. Discover now