•𝓼𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷 •

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Today was gonna be the first Gryffindor practice but no one expected that Slytherin will be taking that time from Gryffindor.

In the dorm room, Alice bellowed " Urghh!! Dammit! Why is my hair so fucking straight?! Even if I put this in braids for A WEEK OR A MONTH IT WILL STILL BE STRAIGHT! AND NOW EVEN WHEN I CURL MY HAIR WITH A CURLING IRON ITS STILL STRAIGHT!!!!! "

" Relax Alice. " Quinn rolled her eyes

" How can I calm down?!" She said sarcastically

" Alice. Maybe it's because your too straight" Ruby commented

" Um excuse me ? Straight as in no curves or straight as in sexuality?"

" Straight in sexuality! I mean if Quinn's hair is curly and wavy that means she's bi. And me too! "

" What? I'm straight Ruby " Quinn stated

" Then why is your hair curly ?"

" I was born like this "

" Oh really? That means I'm straight! "

" Yeah "

" Anyways. Time to go out girls " Quinn said, fixing the last touches in Alice's hair.

" Okay. "

They went outside. Receiving some stares from random Slytherins. Some of them were smiling because they were wearing Slytherin Cheer uniforms. And some of them were just  stunned. " Don't we look lovely?" Alice said for everybody to hear. She chuckled when they all nodded.

" Typical Alice." Chuckled Quinn

" Thank you Quinnie " she smiled " even if I'm the only one with straight hair here. "

" Where do you think the Slytherin Quidditch team are?" Ruby asked. They made their way out of the common room and straight to the great hall but they still did not see the Slytherin team nor the Gryffindor team. Alot of gasps were heard, probably because they weren't aloud to wear anything else rather than their uniform.

" Loosen up you losers. It's not like we're gonna get in trouble for wearing this. We just wanted to support the house that we've been sorted into. Now turn you frickishly long necks and giant retarded heads before I for one use it to dunk you in the toilet bowl. " Alice snapped. Her eyes so sharp like an eagle preying for field mice.

" Don't you ever know that what you say can hurt or offend a person ?" Hannah Abbott said. She was a Hufflepuff student. And she was one of Harry Potter's friends.

" Oh I'm sorry. It's just I have this disability. The disability to not know whether I say or do is offending nor hurtful. So if I were you.. back off before I pluck your blonde hair and throw it all across the garbage bin... You don't want that to happen do you ?"

" No.. I'm sorry "

" Good ", Alice smiled bitchily, walking out the great hall. Quinn looked Alice with pure respect. She looked at Ruby and just laughed, following Alice outside.


" I've spent the whole summer devising a whole new quidditch program. We're gonna train earlier,harder, and longer " Captain Oliver Wood explained to all of his members. They were headed to the Quidditch pitch to practice for the first game but it looks like they weren't " what? I don't believe it " he exclaimed as he saw the Slytherin team walking towards them in their quidditch uniform " where do you think you're going Flint?"

" Quidditch practice " Flint said, unconcerned by Oliver's expression.

" I booked the pitch for Gryffindor today"

" Easy wood,I've got a note " he handed the note to Oliver and he read it out loud.

I professor Snape,hereby allow the Slytherin team to use the quidditch pitch, allowing them to practice their new seeker

" You've got a new seeker.. who?" Oliver said, crumpling the piece of parchment in his hand while he looked Flint in the eye.

Marcus nudged Adrian to move aside and there he was. Draco Malfoy with his famous Malfoy smirk. " Malfoy ?" Potter said, almost in disbelief

" Yeah that's right. That's not all that's new this year " he replied, showing off his Nimbus 2001 " nice aren't they?"

" Wow Dray. They're Gorgeous. And so.. are.. you " Quinn came walking in, her arms crossed, a smile on her face, Alice & Ruby at the sides of her. They were all wearing their newly made Slytherin Cheer Uniforms. The Slytherin team whistled, wooed and smirked as they saw them especially Draco.

" Looking good ladies " Marcus said, with a flirty tone

" Thank you Marcus " Ruby thanked

" Beautiful as always Margarette " Draco smirked, winking at her

" Thank you Dray. And so do you " Quinn Winked back

" Woah! The new Nimbus 2001 ! How did you get those?" Ron Weasley exclaimed. Hermione Granger beside him. They just showed up a few seconds ago

" A gift from Draco's father " Marcus said

" You see Weasley.. unlike some. My father can afford the best " Malfoy boasted

" Atleast no one in the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in, they got in, in pure talent." Hermione sneered

" Oh honey.. have you seen him play? " Quinn asked " He's better than Potter than I could've expected. Oh Granger where have you been all these days? I think I know. You've been in the library. Studying your life off, and not being able to see the outside world because all you do is study study study"

" I have got enough of you Margarette!" Hermione tried to grab her hair but Draco pushed her away

" No one asked your opinion you filthy little mudblood " Draco sneered

Hermione looked hurt, her eyes teared up a bit. Ron took a step forward and pulled out his wand from his pocket " You'll pay for that one Malfoy. Eat Slugs! " He casted but there was this some sort of malfunction that occured with his wand that directed the spell back to him. He flew backwards, a pale look on his face. The Gryffindor team immediately ran after him. Quinn came beside Draco, laughing along with him and his teammates.

Potter stood up with Ron and Hermione. It turns out Ron threw up some slugs rather than Malfoy. Potter bumped into Quinn's shoulder harshly. Malfoy gave him a dirty look before checking Quinn.

"Are you okay ?"

" Yup I'm fine. But damn his shoulder was hard " she chuckled

" The pitch is yours. " Oliver said,turning away with the rest of the team

" Of course " Marcus smirked

" The fun has just begun " Draco smirked

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓒𝓱𝓮𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶 𝓝𝓮𝔁𝓽 𝓭𝓸𝓸𝓻 Where stories live. Discover now