After a few pages , his voice faltered and he glanced over to me. He shifted uncomfortably under my gaze and I reached my hand over to him. Lightly, I brushed my fingertips over the back of his hand and I realized how empty I had felt without his touch for the past few days. so I interlocked our fingers and held his hand tightly and I mustered up a small smile. He bit his lip and his pupils became heavily dilated as he stared at me in awe. He looked at my hand on his, then back to me eagerly. He rose his eyebrows in excited surprise and his face lit up as he squeezed my hand. He smiled warmly at me and I tilted my head to the side and looked back at him. A small smile crossed my face, and before I knew it, he had slid off the ottoman and he kneeled before me. His face was inches from mine and I found myself savoring his scent and missing his touch. He smiled at me and whispered desperately , "i- I love you to the ends of the earth, Love. You're so beautiful. You look like a mermaid dripping with glistening water and gazing at me like that. I'm under your spell Love, and I want to be. I want to be yours forever." I blushed and I opened my mouth to tell him how  overjoyed his compliments and his words made me, though before I could he looked down and said quietly, "You know that right? don't you? You know that i love you, yes? N-no matter what?" I nodded and I put my hands on the sides of his face and I leaned forward even father. He began to blush and he looked back at me and his eyes fluttered as I pressed my hands to his cheek. His long red eyelashes became moistened with tears and he put his hands over mine. His happy expression warmed my heart and I felt my love for him envelop me once again, and as I gazed into his eyes i was glad to be able to be with him like this again.

I whispered, "of course, I know that. I'm your mermaid and let's not forget, your my merman, ok? You love me so much, and I know that. I know you'd never, ever hurt me again. I love you no matter what, Hisoka Morrow. I-I miss you so much, we should-we should talk about this, ya know?."  I leaned forward to kiss him but he only frowned and leaned back and looked at my throat sadly. He moved to get up but I said quickly, "Hiso please! Please don't go, just- let's just talk, we need to. Talk to me for once, baby. I need you to tell me what you feel, I want you to tell me what you feel! If you don't I might just..." Hisoka looked away from me and hesitated, then nodded slightly. I was overjoyed at him finally wanting to tell me how he felt but I stayed silent, not wanting to ruin the moment or make him change his mind. He began to unbutton his cotton white blouse-like shirt and I simply admired his body and tried not to think about all I wanted to tell him and how horrible it had made me feel. Id begun to make a list in my head yesterday and it made me realize that while Hisoka had overstepped his bounds, he did have good a reason to be upset with me. Last night, I decided I'd come clean about Illumi and me at the sleepover, I'd apologize for what I'd done, I'd explain that I just needed some time to myself to recover and I missed him just as much as he missed me. I'd pour my heart out to him and hope he'd do the same with me.

He smiled as he caught my gaze and he said softly, "may I join you Love, my magnificent mermaid?" I pouted and pretended to think  and he said quickly, "I wouldn't- we wouldn't..." he looked down and I smiled at his confused and tongue-tied expression. He almost never was like this so I savored this bashful side of him that I barely knew existed. I conjured a warm breeze to wrap around him and I said, "baby, you're so cute, come on over to Sissy, ok?" He undid his belt and scrunched up his nose as I said "Sissy" but he said nothing. I bit my lip as I watched his belt come undone and my heart fluttered. Against my better judgement I blurted out, "spank me Daddy, why don't you?" He pursed his lips and slid his pants and underwear off in tense silence. I mentally facepalmed myself or being horny and stupid. Usually he could say sexy and playful stuff all the time and lighten the mood in the process, but it seemed I did not posses that skill. He glared at me and I smiled at him sheepishly and murmured, "bad timing?" He just stared at me and pursed his lips, as if he was saying "you think?" I frowned and as I looked at him I saw he stood frozen a few feet away from the bathtub. I decided it would be time to deploy my feminine wiles. I uncurled myself from my fetal position and I stretched my arms up in the air slowly and sighed wistfully. I revealed my exposed chest to Hisoka, something he hadn't seen fully in days. I smiled as I watched his cock twitch and I resisted the urge to moan and beg him tell me everything he was feeling, so he could feel better and come be with me, right now.He furrowed his brow and said angrily while stepping into the bath, "stop that, Love. It's hard enough as it is doing this with you." He sat down abrutbly across from me and my smile became replaced with a frown.

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