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"Stop Alex! Stop," I said out of breath as Alex was pounding me with a pillow.

Alex is my bestfriend, my bestie for life. We have been since we were wearing diapers literary.

Because our mothers were also besties and they did everything together. Alex is practically my sister.
Five years ago Alex lost her mother, she was hit by a druck driver and right after she had defeated cancer.

I comforted her even more and she managed to get through it with the help of her father and 'mwa'.

" hey, hey don't doze off on me Missy," says Alex in a bossy voice.

"I wasn't dozing of, you were," I joked.

We both looked at each other and laughed.

Alex and I have been together and day by day we get closer. Alex & kara against the world since birth. Cool huh.

"You're always not consecrating at what I s -say," she added on.

She clicked her finger in front of my face and i imidiatly looked at her with a slight smile on my face.

"See you just did it again!," she said frustrated.

"No, I didnt," I lied.

"Missy don't lie, don't forget I know you better than you know yourself," she said feeling quit clever.

And yeah she did know me better than I knew myself, and it sucked! Why doesn't she just focus on herself for once and not me. Alex was a tomboy and I had lots of bruises from her punches and I liked it.

For me? I would say I'm in the middle.

I like dresses makeup and gossiping, but a good kind of gossiping.

"There's no such thing is 'good type of gossiping' kara," Alex would always say.

And before you say or think anything THERE IS TOO!

On my tomboy side i love not eating properly I really don't care what people said to me about 'being a lady'

And I loved sports tennis, basket ball, soccer, ice-hockey, feild-hockey, swimming, water pollo, track racing any sport you name it and at school East-veiw high I'm the captain of every sport.

Including the ones with the boys. Not to brage but um I beat those boys in everything heck even the food challenges they make up.

"Eeee, eeeee," squild Alex.

"What, what tell me! What," I said in a curoise but desperate voice.

"Caitlin kary just DMed me saying we're both invited to her birthday party!," Alex answered in a high piched voice.

" what!?," I said clearly not believing it.

Caitlin kary was soo popular. You would be very cool to be invited to something of hers.

Not to mention that she was soo hot. With a slight four pack.

"Show me!," I said as I rushed over to look at her phone.

Caitlin kary                                           

>> hey, cutie you and your bestie, kara are totes invited to my party, you should totes come. xx Caty.

"Should I reply with a sassy response or just the we will sure be there?," Alex asked me.

I didnt get it why was a popular kid let alone 'Caitlin Kary' inviting us to her party.
It just didn't make sense.

I replied with "whatever you choose," kinda thing.

"Oh yea, imma go with sassy," she replied back.

Catlin kary                                          

>>hey, cutie you and your bestie, kara are totes invited to my party, you should totes come. xx Caty.

                                  We'll see ;) <<

"Annd sent!," Alex screamed.

"I don't know about this AL, I mean were not that popular were just known coz of sports nothing else," I said.

Alex sighed and said "I'm also suspicious," she said back in a low voice.

"But come on, it might be fun, pleeease?," she added with a pout on her face.

"Alex no! Were not going full stop!," I said back.

"Pweety pweease?," Alex said and even one tear ran down her  rosy cheeks.

"Fine," I rolled my eyes

"But only for two hours, k?,"

"Huh its better than nothing," she shrugged.

"But promise me if its nice will stay for longer?," she added.

"I promise,"

" ah, ah.. Butt promise,"

"Really you're making me butt promise for this!?," I wined.

"Only to make sure we stay," she said back raising her chin up just as they do in the movies when they win something.

"Fine!fine!," and I smacked my butt on hers and I promised.

This was silly I really wasn't in the party mood but I respect a butt promise and I will keep it.

"Oo she answered back," Alex said.

I swear this girl is getting girlish by the day, I loved it!

Caitlin kary                                                                                   

>>hey, cutie you and your bestie, kara are totes invited to my party, you should totes come. xx Caty.

                                  We'll see ;) <<

>>okey, make sure to be right on time.

"What does that mean," I said stroking my chin.

"Oh don't be a scardy cat," she mumbled back.

"We'll be fine,"

I just shrugged and rolled my eyes.

2 hours later~

"I'm bored in a house and I'm in a house bored, bored in a house and I'm in a house bored, bored in a mother f-," Alex sang as I stopped her singing it for too many times.

She's so upsested with tik tok, I just don't get the hype that's why I'm not downloading it.

Alex is a tik tok star well to me she had 2.3M followers and she only posted two videos.

One doing her own dance of the renegade and the other the newest trend kolours remixed with cake made by her its amaze balls.

But it blew up too fast, so not fare.

"Let's go to the mall and find hot clothes to wear at the party," I said out of the blue.

"Wow someone's excited," Alex teased.

I rolled my eyes and just ran to the car. I knew she followed back, so I continued.

"I'm driving this time," Alex said out of breath.




C H I P S 🌼

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