Chapter 8

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When I pulled up to her house she was quiet and seemed tense. We both looked at her little worn down house at the same time. Her dad was standing in the doorway of the front door just staring at us through the screen door.

An uneasy feeling settled in my stomach at the sight. He looked terrifying.

"Thanks for everything Kieran, hope everything works out with your dad. See you Monday." She said quietly, giving me a fake smile before opening the door.

"Wait." I blurted out and she froze, shutting the door again.

"Kieran I have to go. I'll be fine." She muttered.

"Should I go talk to him and tell him we're just friends and maybe make up a story for why you didn't come home? I just don't want him to be mad at you and- "

"No. Really it's okay. I'll see you Monday." She stopped me from finishing my sentence.

"Just call me if you need anything okay? And you're always welcome to stay at my house if you need to..." I reminded her as she got out of the jeep.

"Yeah I know... Bye Kieran." She gave me a small smile.

"Bye." She closed the door and walked up her sidewalk to the porch.

I watched as she opened the door and her dad stepped aside to let her in.

He went to grab the door and as he was shutting it he made eye contact with me, his stare was terrifying.

Something didn't seem right.

He closed the door and I gripped the steering wheel tight as another uneasy feeling settled in my stomach again.


When I pulled up to my house, sure enough my dad's stupid motorcycle was still sitting in the driveway, but something else caught my eye. My mother's car was parked in the driveway as well.

Great. Just great.

I pulled my jeep into the driveway and when I got out I heard voices.

My eyes turned toward the direction they were coming from and I saw my mom and dad sitting on the back porch smoking out of a bong.

Jesus Christ.

I walked over to them and they both turned and noticed me.

"Oh hey honey! Where were you?" My mom asked as if everything was normal.

"What they hell are you two doing?" I asked in annoyance.

"Well, your father and I talked and decided it would be nice if he moved back in again. I forgave him for leaving, so now things can go back to how they were before." She smiled at me, as if I would be happy to hear that.

"Are you an idiot? He's a piece of trash and he needs to leave, now!" I shouted at her and she rolled her eyes at me.

"Hey now, be nice to your mother. She can make her own decisions." My dad said, standing up.

"No, she clearly can't make her own decisions... Mom, can I talk to you inside, in private without him around?" I asked her calmly.

She stood up and walked inside, I followed behind her.

I made sure the door was closed before I turned to her.

"Seriously mom, you can't be that stupid. Please, just tell him to leave I don't want him here." I begged her.

Forgetting Terra MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now