Chapter 7

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"Woo! Let's get this party started!" Harry shouted while grabbing a red solo cup and a random bottle of liquor that was in front of him.

"Just my luck! Tequila!" He cheered before dumping some in his cup.

"Terra! What can I get you to drink?" He asked and she smiled sheepishly.

"Something fruity! Nothing too strong!" She yelled over the music.

"Strawberry lemonade and vodka?" He grabbed a jug of juice and held it in the air.

"Sure!" She answered.

"So Kieran, what are you gonna do if Kyle shows up?" Harry shouted.

"Nothing, ignore him. If he tries anything stupid I'll take Terra and leave." I told him and he nodded.

"You're such a sensible man Kier, I would punch him right in the throat, the second he steps through the door. But you, you're so civil!" He laughed.

"Yeah that's me. Don't forget I'm the designated driver too, ya drunk." I joked.

"Yeah you are! Ha, hey I'm not drunk yet!" He chuckled and downed his cup of tequila.

"Alright bud, it's not a race, pace yourself!" I teased.

"It's always a race BUD." His eyes suddenly shifted behind me and his mouth dropped.

"Oh shit, beer pong." Then he was gone.

I turned to Terra as she was sipping her drink.

I watched her eyes as she looked at me over the tip of her cup.

They were truly beautiful.

"What?" She blushed as I watched her some more.

I shrugged.

"Nothing." I pushed off the counter and headed toward the living room entrance.

"Come on." I called and she followed closely behind.

We walked into the living room where everyone was standing around talking over the loud music.

"TERRA MATTHEWS?" My drunk friend Peter shouted while walking toward us.

She sort of sunk into herself a bit and got shy as he approached us.

"Holy shit! You're still alive?! It's been FOREVER." He chuckled while spilling his cup a little bit.

"Hi Petey." She giggled slightly as he threw his arm around her shoulder.


They were friends?

"This girl, used to be the best drinking partner I ever had!" He shook her slightly while laughing.

"Terra?" I asked while pointing to her in disbelief.

He must have the wrong person.

"Oh hell yeah! Freshmen year, this girl could chug Jack Daniels like it's water! I actually had to TRY to keep up with her." That surprised me, because everyone knows that no one can keep up with Peter.

He's crazy.

"Are you two dating now?" He gave us a look of excitement.

"No." We both answered at the same time.

"Just friends." I said and she nodded her head.

"Ah I see, stuck in the friend zone huh Kieran?" He cackled and I immediately punched him in the gut causing him to double over in pain.

Forgetting Terra MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now