"What about you and Natasha?" I gave him a knowing look and he scoffed.

"Alright, that's enough of that!"

Natasha and him are really good friends and we all know that he wants her but of course she's completely in denial about the whole thing and denies that he could possibly have feelings for her. Peter also won't man up and tell her so he doesn't really help himself at all.

"Sooooo, Terra, can you still down the bottle like I taught ya?" He reached down and grabbed a bottle that was sitting near the couch, holding it out to her.

"Oh no! I-I don't think I can." She looked down, biting her lip.

"Come on! Once a pro always a pro!" He jabbed her lightly with his elbow.

I really didn't want him to peer pressure her.

She looked around nervously and I noticed that people were starting to look in our direction.

"Hey, if she doesn't want to she doesn't have to." I tried not to sound like a lame ass, but I'm sure I did.

"Don't worry, I can handle it." Terra turned to me with a slight smirk before snatching the bottle from Peter's hand.

What the-

"Oh yes! She's chugging it! Woo!" Peter cheered and people looked over as Terra put the bottle to her lips and tipped it back.

Holy shit I was not expecting that.

"Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!" My friend Jenny chanted with her drink in her hand as she approached us.

Jenny is a good friend of mine, she's just an all around crazy woman but everyone loves her. She's who I was talking to at the party last weekend before my mom called me to come pick her up.

"Woo! Damn girl! You still got it!" Jenny cheered.

Terra was still chugging and I could see her face scrunching up.

That has to taste awful.

This is not going to be good.

"What the hell?" Harry suddenly approached our little circle.

She removed the bottle from her lips and took a big breath of air.

"TERRA HOW COULD YOU!" Harry was in shock and we all laughed.

"What?" She giggled, wiping her mouth.

"You're having fun without me! NOT FAIR!" He grabbed the bottle from her hands and took a swig of it.

Jesus christ these people are almost as bad as my mom.

"Peter fucking Simmons WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY INNOCENT LITTLE TERRA?!" He shouted in a joking manner.

"Oh pal, Terra and I go way back! She used to be the craziest partier!" Peter patted her back slightly and she gave Harry a nervous smile as his jaw dropped.

"This Terra?" He pointed at her in disbelief.

"I asked the same thing." I told him and he looked at me in shock.

"This is great! We need to bring the old Terra back! Let's get fucked up!" He cheered while putting an arm around Terra and taking another swig of the bottle.


After a while of everyone drinking and having a good time... Terra and Harry were pretty trashed.

She was practically leaning against me as she stood and talked to people. I feel like if I were to move, she would fall over.

"Dude I still remember when you and Miranda were BEST FUCKING FRIENDS. It's so weird to think about it now because she got even bitchier and you sort of fell off the face of the Earth!" One of our friends Kate yelled over the music to Terra.

Forgetting Terra MatthewsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora