"Well, looks like we are going to a party then. What time do you want me to pick you up?" I asked and he sighed.

"You're DD again man? Come on drink for once with me! We can shag a ride off of someone else." He begged.

"Sorry Har, I can have just as much fun on nothing at all." I told him which made him laugh.

"You know, I understand why you hate drinking.... But I'm just saying, Kyle is gonna give you shit again tonight." He warned me and I rolled my eyes.

"Eh he can fuck off! Alright, call me later when you wanna head over there."

"Cool beans man, peace." He added before I hung up.


After eating a crap ton of pizza rolls I went up to my room and face planted on top of my bed. I did not get much sleep last night, I was also pretty tired. If I wanted to stay out all night tonight I better get my body prepared to stay awake.

My hand reached for the door on the ceiling. I could smell the dust of the school's old attic.

I pushed the door but it wouldn't open. What the hell?

I frantically searched for a lock but there wasn't one.

"Kieran!" Someone yelled from upstairs on the roof.

I was pushing as hard as I could to open the door but it wouldn't budge. It's like it's stuck.

"Kieran hurry! Please!" She screamed.

I knew inside that it was Terra. What is she doing? What's wrong?

"Terra?" I shouted back. There wasn't an answer so I began slamming my shoulder against the door.

What is she doing up there?

With one last hard shove I slammed the door open and was immediately blinded by the sun. I squinted my eyes and covered my face before jumping up to get onto the roof.

My eyes immediately scanned the area for her and I froze at the sight of her standing on the edge of the building.

"Terra get away from there!" I yelled while jumping to my feet.

She turned around to look at me as I ran towards her. She had a sad smile on her face with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Get off of there!" I begged while running faster.

Then she looked at me one last time before letting herself fall backwards.

"TERRA!" I screamed as her body disappeared and the worst feeling sunk into my chest.

Her body just vanished off the side of the building. Just like that, she was gone.

I jumped up in bed feeling myself immediately panic.

My breath was caught in my throat for a moment but I let out a heavy sigh of relief as soon as I realized that it was just another weird dream.

This one was definitely more vivid and realistic than the last. It freaked me out more.

Why the hell would I dream about Terra killing herself? That's fucking morbid.

I rubbed my face with both of my hands in an attempt to subside my tiredness.

Suddenly my phone started ringing, causing me to jump a little.

It was Harry.

"Hello?" I answered.

Forgetting Terra MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now