🔧𝕊𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕨𝕓𝕖𝕣𝕣𝕪 𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕖🐹

Start from the beginning

"Geez get a room! Let's get going before everyone investigates without us!" The smaller man was already on his way out, but I guess we could resume this later.

-At the next island because my brain hurts from writing -

We've just exited the ride we've been forced to fortake on for information, kazuichi was currently hurling his guts out in a trash. I rubbed his back to try to reassure him. But Fuyuhiko was just screaming at him for Kaz getting it on his shoes.

Hajime was discussing something with Chiaki, who has been oddly silent this whole time.  She is usually very quiet, but she hasn't spoken once since the incident with hiyoko, Ibuki, and Sonia. Was she still mourning? Or is she planning something...

"Gundham! Why are you spacing out so much, babe?" the nickname got me out of my 78th trance of the day. Kaz was yet again, waving his hand in front of my face to try to get me out of it.

"Ah, I am sorry. Are you feeling any better, my paramour?" I took his chin between my pointer finger and thumb to examine his face to make sure. But all I got was a flushed mechanic and an angry midget.

"Hey! You guys! We're gonna head on the train. You guys coming?"  Nagito came over to the three of us, the informational book  in his hand. Chiaki was close beside him for everyone else has decided to leave. We're always the last ones to go on our way, aren't we?

"Yeah yeah, creepy marshmellow, were coming don't burst a hopegasm or some s*it" damn, Fuyuhiko is extra sassy today.

"Oh, I'd that'll bring you hope then I'll gladly shut up!" Chiaki only shook her head in what I'm assuming is dissapproval and lead us twoards the train that we supposedly had to ride to the other side of the island. Well, that's what they said anyways.

"PUHUHUHU! You decided to come huh? We'll get on! It'll take you to where you need to be.."

I dunno why, but I don't feel like trusting Monokuma on this one.

But I was already being dragged into the train by Fuyuhiko. Everyone was already taking their seats. Their was no going back once the train started.

It all started out okay, I was seated by nekomaru but Kaz and Fuyuhiko was seated in front of me. I smiled to myself once I heard them chat about themselves. I loved hearing kazuichi's voice....

But his voice soon turned into hers. Everything blurred, I didn't even know what Sonia was telling me. Maybe I'm going insane, but I didn't like.

The more I focused on her voice the less of Souda I could see, smoke that smelt of Ash's consumed me before I felt myself fall out of the train.


" Gundha...."


A felt a small hand slap my over my face. It caused me to jolt upwards and butt heads with him. I opened my eyes to see pink and... strawberries on the walls. But the place looked more like a prison then a actual...place.

There was iron bars that only led out to stone brick and more cages. But the inside was decorated all cute like...it was very unsettling to me.

"Ow! What the hell..." Fuyuhiko rubbed his forehead from the bonk I accidently gave him with my own forehead.

"Ah...sorry...do you...know where we are?" Inna situation like this, I drooed my persona. I quickly stood up next to Fuyuhiko to try and  examine this sudden place we were brought to. I knew we shouldn't have trusted that dammed bear. I looked around me only to realize it was only me and Fuyuhiko in the room. Where is everyone else?

"If you're wonderin' where everyone else is. I dunno either man..nekomaru is also here, but in a separate cage. " We both heard the faint noise of a clinking sound, and a door shutting. The clink of what I assumed was shoes came twoards our imprisonment.

Huh? Was it one of the others? Possibly nekomaru?

Oh, how wrong I was.

"Hello Gundham!~ You thought I was gone forever, yes?"



She's dead. This isn't happening, she's dead she's dead she's dead.

"WHAT! THE HELL? THIS ISN'T REAL! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU ACTUALLY?!" Fuyuhiko gripped the bars in his hands, shaking them and giving the girl in question a glare.

"Don't you worry about that. But if you must know, I'm not on your side. In simply here to claim what's mine and leave. That's all" she then moved her head to me, and I was shoved out of the cage without even processing how. Fuyuhiko was left behind in the cage.

His screams where heard while I was being dragged by my arm. I attempted to struggle, but was only gripped harder to the point my knuckles turned white.

As I was being dragged, I also saw Nekomaru in one of the cages. He was knocked out cold.

Everything felt like a dream. None of this should be real. I didn't even realize I was being chained to a wall until I felt the rusty iron around my limbs, and a knife being held up to my chest.

"I wouldn't be here if it weren't for her~ so once I'm done with you. Give Junko a big thank you for me, will ya?"


I'm so sorry this is a few days late! My brain is just a little fried from writing so much, but I'll try to get back to posting every other day!

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