Chapter 3

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I was staring at Dylan in class it was the last class of the day,till he turned and saw me staring and I turned towards the board then the bell rang and I jumped.

And on my way walking out of the class someone bumped into me and all the stuff in my hand went flying very where.

I thought to myself who ever bumped into me was a dumb ass.

The someone helped me and it was a sexy voice and I new who it was it was Dylan he said sorry about that and helped me pick up my stuff and he asked what my name was.

I told him my name was Elana and he told me his his was Dylan even though I already knew that.

I told him I had to go because I have football practice he looked at me weird and said you play football.

Me: ya it's not weird I've been playing science middle school

Dylan: but we have detention

Me: oh ya I forgot no more football for me

Dylan:but that's cool that you like to play most girls hate but your not like most girls are

Me: no but I can still be girly if I want.

Dylan: I bet

Dylan : do u want to walk to detention with me

Me: I would love to

I put my arm through his and we walked to detention.

We were almost there when Dominic saw us and shoved Dylan and Dominic put me behind him and said MINE!!!!

Dylan said no she's not she MINE!!!!

The I yelled and said I'm not yours and I'm not yours I'm my own person and ran to detention.

With Dylan and Dominic following behind me.

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