Sweet, Sweet People 2 -NCT 127 & NCT Dream

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Jaemin and Chenle were left speechless. They can't believe that Donghyuck, the only one they can trust, had betrayed them, or so they thought. Donghyuck used Renjun, Jeno, Jisung, Chenle and Jaemin to summon Mark from the dead.

Chenle, why don't you join us~
It's fun~!

Nana, I know you want to join us~
We can see in your eyes that you love us~

Jaemin and Chenle had nowhere to go, except for Taeyong and Doyoung. The two boys opened the door and ran back to their house.

"Go after them. Me and Donghyuckie need to cuddle~" Mark tasked as the figures plus Renjun, Jeno and Jisung disappeared to follow them. Mark just smirked as both him and Donghyuck went to the back part of the store where a small apartment type house was located.


Jaemin and Chenle ran and ran while the figures chase after them. Two of them, which Mark named Jungwoo and Jaehyun, were beside Jaemin and Chenle without them knowing. The two figures chuckled as Jaehyun's figure possessed Jaemin's body.

"H-Hyung!" Chenle said as he saw Jaemin slow down. Jaemin just looked at the younger's eyes as it portrayed sad eyes. The older got teary-eyed as he suddenly fell to the side walk.

"G-go, C-C-Chenle!" Jaemin said before his eyes turn red and his clothes started to become bloody. Jaemin had now turned into one of them. Chenle left Jaemin while tears escaped. Jaemin fluttered his eyes open, red seen in every bit of his eyes. He smirked as he saw Chenle running off the distance.

Oh, Chenle, why are you running away~
We just wanted to play with you~!


Chenle knocked furiously on the door, waiting for Taeyong and Doyoung to respond. Please open the door, please open the door! Chenle thought as the door flew wide open, revealing Taeyong and Doyoung, who just woke up from a quick nap. The younger hugged them as he immediately closed the door, locking every single lock on the door. Yes, they have many locks, since the two oldest knew that these boys always escape after the clock strikes twelve midnight.

"H-Hyung! Renjun~hyung, J-Jeno~hyung, Jaemin~hyung and J-J-Jisung! They're after me!" Chenle shouted as the four said names appeared right in front of them, smirking. The last figure, which was Jungwoo, appeared beside Chenle as a cute pout was visible on his deformed figure. He pouted because Chenle wouldn't let him possess the younger.

"B-Behing you, H-H-Hyung!" Chenle shouted as Doyoung looked back and saw the four. Their rose red eyes, bloody clothes and deformed hands. Doyoung just sighed as he knew what was happening. It was that time of the year again, where Donghyuck would summon Mark and these five figures appear. It was the same thing that happened to Lucas, Ten, Kun, Sicheng and even Taeyong himself.

"Chenle, come with me. Let Taeyong deal with Jungwoo." Doyoung firmly said as the said figure started possessing Taeyong. It was originally him who possessed Taeyong these past few years. Doyoung grabbed the younger's wrists as they ran towards the backyard.

"Where are we going, hyung?" Chenle asked as Doyoung didn't even spoke. Instead, they went towards where Doyoung knew is the most safest area there is, the treehouse. There, Doyoung would think of a plan to get rid of Mark, once again, before everyone got successfully possessed. If everyone got possessed, Mark will fully come back as a human and those who are possessed by these figures will have full control of the person's body.

The two climbed up the treehouse as the others started following them, but immediately halted when they saw where they're going. Chenle sat down at the floor while Doyoung paced back and forth, thinking of a plan. The treehouse was quite small in terms of length, but in height, it was huge.

"Chenle, do you have the thing that Donghyuck gave?" Doyoung asked as Chenle nodded and pointed towards the house. An idea popped inside Doyoung as he grabbed Chenle's wrists and went back down.

Aww, did the two scaredy cats already became men~
Why don't you join us? It will be more fun~

Doyoung ignored Taeyong as they ran towards inside the house. Chenle scurried to the kitchen, leaving Doyoung, and grabbed the ice cream from the freezer. He ran back to Doyoung as he gave the box to the older.

"Come, let's go to the store. We need to stop this madness."


Doyoung ans Chenle had arrived in front of the store. The figures weren't following them anymore because they were now inside the store. Mark and Donghyuck were just staring through the door, smirks plastered on their faces. Donghyuck opened the door, revealing a disheveled Chenle and an angry Doyoung.

"Oh, lele! Doyoung~hyung! What brings you two back here?" Donghyuck innocently asked as Jeno, Jaemin, Jisung, Renjun and Taeyong appeared beside them. Chenle clung onto his hyung while Doyoung grabbed the ice cream box. A wider smirk was seeb on Mark's face as Doyoung rolled his eyes as he brought out a lighter, which made Donghyuck and Mark's smirks turn into a frown. Doyoung just grinned as he started setting the lighter off the ice cream box. As soon as a fire was saw, Mark's body started burning.

"N-No! Not my hard work! GET THEM!" Donghyuck instructed as Jeno, Renjun, Jisung, Jaemin and Taeyong tried to grab it. Doyoung passed it towards Chenle as the younger caught it. The older also threw the lighter, which luckily, the younger caught. Chenle opened the lighter as he started burning the box. Fire after fire, Mark's body started disapperaing into smoke. Donghyuck, on the other hand, started to get furious. His hard work was ruined by some kid!

"THROW IT BEFORE IT BURNS YOU, CHENLE!" Doyoung shouted as the younger nodded and threw it, burning the last bits of it. Mark completely disappeared as the figures that were possessing Renjun, Jeno, Jisung, Jaemin and Taeyong disappeared alongside. Donghyuck grabbed is hair in frustration as his hard work was gone.

"EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU WILL DIE. EVERYONE WILL DIE BY MY AND MARK~HYUNG'S HANDS HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Donghyuck said as the shop started grumbling into pieces. Everyone inside, except Donghyuck, ran outside. Chenle helped Jaemin and Jeno while Doyoung helped Taeyong, Renjun and Jisung, since they were just possessed by someone. They ran outside as the building collapsed, its debris falling onto Donghyuck.

Oh no, hyuckie!
Those pesky kids and those two adults will pay, hyuckie~
Don't worry, hyuckie! We will help you rebuild back your shop so Mark can be with you again~

Next in line:
Red Velvet

peekaboo. horror oneshots. (-)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin