~ Chapter 2 ~

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Y/N sighed not exactly sure what All Might meant by being his apprentice. But right now he was being forced to clean up a beach to build muscle mass or something, he couldn't remember. Unfortunately to All Might's surprise, even with his weight atop of multiple appliances, Y/N had little to no problem moving all of it without his quirk. What All Might expected to take a few months only took a single day. "Well seeing as you are way ahead of schedule, you can have the rest of the day off young Y/N!" The number one hero exclaimed with excitement. Of course Y/N just shrugged it off and began walking off. "See ya later old man." He said waving back at All Might. Ignoring whatever the hero had to say in protest Y/N made his way towards a certain person's home. After a few hour walk he knocked on the front door, moments later a girl wearing golden armor adorned with six colorful gems. "Y/N where have you been?" She asked with a tight hug. This was one of the few things that ever made him truly smile. "Hey Infini, sorry I'm late." He apologized upon giving her a peck on the cheek. This was his aforementioned girlfriend, her quirk allows her to become a gauntlet with various reality warping abilities. While it sounds highly over powered, she can't do any of it without someone she trusts wearing her gauntlet form. "Had to deal with All Might and his quote on quote training. Just had me cleaning up the beach all day." He said with a bored sigh as she giggled. "He probably didn't expect you to be really strong despite your appearance huh?" She asked tilting her head adorably. He rolled his eyes as the two went inside to have whatever food she tried cooking up for him today.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2022 ⏰

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