~ Chapter 1 ~

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It was a fairly normal day for Y/n as he barely listened to the teacher. Meanwhile in the back of the class Y/n's older brother Bakugo got really excited about going to the number one hero school in Japan. A sigh escaped Y/n as he heard Izuku wish him luck. Unfortunately Izuku never got a quirk as a kid so Bakugo swore to protect him and become a hero. Fate just had other plans for the young teen as he kept notes on heros for Bakugo and studied to become a detective in hopes to work alongside him someday. Y/n on the other hand wasn't to sure what he wanted to do in the future, unlike those two. Closing his eyes he remembered how he promised his girlfriend in the past that he'd use his amazing quirk to help others. With a reluctant smile Y/n decided to tryout for U.A. like his brother. After the school day had ended Y/n split off from the two love birds to go the long way home. Later on while he was going through an overpass a green goo started to surround him. "Lookie here! You'll make a perfect disguise so I can get away from that hero." The slime villan said as it tried to pry open Y/n's mouth. A blank expression never left the boy's face as his chest began to lightly glow orange. Electricity began to fill the air around his arms, especially his hands. "Pathetic.." Was the only word to leave Y/n's mouth as he grabbed the slime villan and sent electricity throughout it's entire body. After a few seconds the villan had turned into a solid chunk of frozen slime. "DO NOT FEAR! FOR I AM-!" All Might had shouted out as he came out of the sewers the villan had come from only moments ago. The overly buff #1 hero was in shock at the sight in front of him. "Did you do this young man!?" All Might asked the boy in front of him who nodded almost like it was to easy for him. "I changed the way it's atoms moved so it froze solid, should be permanent unless it breaks or something stupid." Y/n said foreshadowing what would happen next. Taking a second to process what he had said All Might grabbed the now solid villan and jumped off into the distance. Y/n in the meantime went off to buy the item he planned on getting before being sidetracked. After leaving a third pawn shop Y/n noticed a buch of smoke coming from the direction of the path he'd usually take home with his brother. Rushing over towards the smoke he saw a large group of civilians watching in horror at whatever was happening. Upon getting to the front of the crowd Y/n saw his brother in the clutches of the slime monster from before and Izuku being held back by some wooden hero. It didn't take more then a second for him to drop the bag in his hand and run forwards. More and more electricity surged out of his body as he got closer to the villan. After ducking and dodging past a few of the villans attacks and his brother's explosions he got close enough to pull his brother out of the slime. He freed his brother and turned the air around the slime villan into solid stone all in one quick motion. The hero's and police talked down to them for a while before they were allowed to go home. After the two brothers dropped off Izuku they made their way home in silence even if the older of the two was pissed off at the younger one. As they got close to home Y/n could tell someone was following them and told his brother he'd be right behind him as he walked off to check it out. "Hello again kid." A skinny old man with long blond hair said to him. "And you are?" He asked as expressionless as usual. "Right, you don't know." The old man said as he facepalmed and chuckled a bit. A moment later the skinny old man had expanded into All Might. "Young man how would you like to be my apprentice?" He asked as the sunset behind him cast his shadow over the boy.

Atomic Generator (BNHA x OP Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora