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When I woke up, he was still there, in my arms and alive. Zane, the guy I wanted to lay with like this since he first moved in and now it's actually happening... when I have less then a week to live. I was told last month I had stage 4 cancer and I refuse any cemo and just wanted to die alone. Sarah knew about it and now... here we are together for a short time.

I wish I could tell him everything but... I'm not sure how to even began. His voice was beautiful, I'm so happy that I was able to hear such an angelic voice before my time. The only thing left would to write him a letter and then tell him. It will break his heart. Then his eyes opened and he smiled at me. My mother had told me that she loved me and no matter what happens I was to know that when I told her.

"Hey," I said to Zane .

"Hi," he smiled and still looked cute half asleep.

"I need to tell you something important," I decided to just tell me. No sugar covering it anymore. So I told him, he had tears falling down his face but I hugged him and told him it was okay.

"You can't leave me... we just came together finally," Zane cried and I held him until he was understood and wasn't a mess.

"I will always be here," I pointed to his chest, above his heart. "Now, lets go enjoy some ocean air," I smiled as he nodded.


Jesse passed away a week after we arrived at his winter house. The funeral was a few days later, I cried but the note he left me was unopened and still in my pocket where I put it. Sarah and I were the last people to leave the funeral, I noticed this guy sitting in a tree, with tears falling down his face and looking towards Jesse's grave they were filling in.

"Sarah... who's that?" I asked her.

She looked at who I was talking about, his eyes sadden more then usual and said, "Jesse's mother's step son. He never liked Jesse and yet he's crying for him..." we continued to her car and I never seemed that guy any more.

Mama B took over at the farm, I visited her often but I worked a lot at the new coffee shop that opened near my new apartment Sarah helped me get. I was officially a resident and living the best life I could. My voice was back but I did know asl and it helped when I had customers who couldn't talk like I was given back.

The note from Jesse was his last well and testament and it said that he gave his ship to me. And it was now in a spot I paid for until I learned to use it. Which would be soon if the guy would call me back soon. As I was just making a few orders, I was so in tune that I didn't notice someone waiting to order. I was to busy dancing to the local music.

"Oops, I'm sorry sir," I said as I saw this guy staring at me with a cute smile and his friends who were making fun of me.

"I'll have a black coffee with three sugars," he simply said as his friends ordered complicated drinks (I knew them to) and so I made there coffees and then Sue said I could go home early if I wished but I declined the nice offer. Since Jesse, I didn't date like being alone much anymore. It's not that I didn't want to but it's more like I didn't have it in me anymore.

I had asked Sue if I could take a fifteen minute break to rush to the local book store across the street real quick. She waved me off with a smile. I hugged and kissed the younger woman and she laughed, "I'm not your type remember," she kid as I winked and rushed off.

Inside the book store, they had the last copy of sailing for beginners and I would be stupid if I had to continue to wait for a man to teach me anything again. I also picked up a new fantasy book that looked awesome to read. When I had cashed out, I headed back towards the store and Sue had a long line and a relief smile as I rushed back and helped her with the orders before Lillian the boss returned to check on things.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2020 ⏰

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