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Everyone is online

Lolipop: NO!!

Lolipop left the chat

Book: i couldnt name her no straw needed, sad.

Taco: Did i miss something?

Saw: vagina

Icy: I agree.

Dora: dadadada bitch.

Gaty: Dora are you ok?

Saw: She isnt.

Teardrop: Ayy im here (;

Gaty: I shaved my eyebrows guys!

Teardrop: Stop quoting vines.

Saw: Yes, do the english.

Gaty: Awww ok.

Book: The meaning of vines is "A app of funny stuff that got replaced by TikTok."

Saw: Cool bro.

Taco: Im just nutting into a bodypillow doe!

Gaty: Cool.

Icy: Bitch stfu, I crave the r e v e n g e .

Dora: Im snorting sugar rn.

Book: Im just reading manga.

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