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~y/n pov~
Ok I have about an hour, I can make it. Just get there, get in, ask a simple question, get out. I got this
~end of pov~
*in the dorms*
Jaehyun(in Johnny's room): Why are there so many cords
*in Jaehyun's room*
Johnny (Whispering): told you
Jungwoo (Whispering): four of us can fit under his bed
Taeil (Whispering): I can fit under the desk
Taeyong (Whispering): I can go in the curtains
Mark (Whispering): hurry, I think he's coming back
*Jaehyun pov*
I knew she would go to that fansign. She wouldn't show up at anything else like my concerts right? The guilt is real. I'll miss her tho. I always seen her at all of our events. Someone as supportive as her is a dream. I shouldn't have followed her that day. *sigh*
*end of pov*
*outside the dorms*
Yuta: isn't that her??
Haechan: ohhh!!, it is, turn around so she thinks we don't see her
Yuta: she's struggling to get through the window, would I be wrong for laughing
Haechan: if you laugh in her face
Yuta: good
Haechan: she's in, let's go
*y/n pov*
I seriously just went past security. I could be a professional at this rate. Which floor is he on???? Crap! I'll check them all until I find it >_<
*end of pov*
*in the dorms*
Jaehyun: my sense of smell is off-
Y/n: Hey bud! Have you been well?
Jaehyun: I-
Y/n: you know you have like no security right now?
Jaehyun: how did-
Y/n: were you crying?
Jaehyun: wha....um...no
Y/n: awwwnnn, you miss me
Jaehyun: what do you want? I'm sorry about the other day ok? I let you free
Y/n: you said something before you left and I want an explanation
Jaehyun: I don't have a good memory, oh well looks like we'll never know. You can leave now
Y/n: you said "imagine someone you love and trust calling you a freak"
Jaehyun *sweating*: I-i don't remember saying anything like that
Y/n: I don't even need to explain how I know you're lying
Jaehyun: I'm bad with emotions, ok?
Y/n: -~-
Jaehyun: I would say that to any fan I happen to accidentally kidnap
Y/n: with tears in your eyes?
Jaehyun: yes?
Y/n: -_-
Jaehyun: fine, as you know, I can sense you at every one of our events you go to. At first I thought it was just because I was hungry or something but later it felt really supportive and helped me to keep going. I felt your love more than anyone else's and that's what made me love you unlike any other fan. Hearing you, of all people, call me a freak kinda hurt a little
Y/n *crying*: you're so precious *hugs him*
Jaehyun: o_o....*hugs back*.....:)
Y/n: I'll continue to love and support you no matter what and I'll always be on your side
Jaehyun: I will always love you
Y/n: the second you retire we're getting dating!
Jaehyun: why not now?¿
Y/n: you're an idol, you're not allowed and I'm bad with secrets
Yuta: makes sense
Y/n & Jaehyun: 0_o
Jungwoo *crying*: that was so cute!!
Jaehyun: I...um
Mark: that could be like a drama or something 0o0
Y/n: I guess my timing was wrong...haha
Mark: yeah, you had like 30 minutes once you left the fansign
Jungwoo: I told the security guards to leave, I deserve a thank you
Jaehyun: wow
Yuta: I just watched her struggle to get through the window XD
Y/n: ok, ok we get it
Jaehyun: Can you guys keep this between us?
Taeyong & Taeil: yea sure
Y/n: how-
Johnny: can't miss a good love story
Haechan: a kiss scene would've been perfect after jaehyun's confession
Doyoung: I can agree with that
Jaehyun: anyone else?
Hailey: my popcorn is gone
Y/n: see you later jaehyun, let's go Hailey!!!
*Y/n and Hailey leaves*
Alex: don't leave me, I'm your ride!!!
*Alex leaves*
Ten *with tears in his eyes*: they grow up so fast
Jaehyun: how are all of you even here
Mark: like I said, she thought she had 2 hours but our events ended early so we came back and saw her.
Jaehyun: how'd you know about her???
Doyoung: like her, you can keep a secret
Jaehyun: ???
Haechan: you talk in your sleep, you tell us everything, every detail
Jaehyun: Why is Ten here???
Ten: magic, kinda messed up that you'd keep something like being a vampire a secret
Mark: if you bite me, would I become a vampire too?
Taeyong: can you turn into a bat??
Johnny: are you like Dracula???
Jaehyun: -~-
*jaehyun leaves*

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2020 ⏰

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