Mugs: who's there?

I saw a mermaid just like the one that we were fighting on the floor looking at me I got mad and walked up two her

Mugs: HEY! You look like that Giant monster lady that's trying to kill us!

???: NO please,I've got nothing to do with...w came from ouside, right! P please tell me that your here to save me...I can't take this place anymore..

Mugs: OH GOSH! No no no,I'm sorry!you don't seem involved in any of this! Don't fret I'll figure out a way to get you outta here Alright?

???: A..alright...there's some sort of device others running this whole "place" I can't see it nor look for it!

Mugs: Alright then let's! I didn't even ask you your name!

Cala maria: OH! It's maria,cala maria.

Mugs: Nice to meet you! I'm mugman.Whoa! Hold on! I didn't notice that! Are you stuck or something?

Cala maria: *sigh* yeah...I sure am.

Mugs: let me help you out of there

Cala maria: I don't think you can

I tried pulling her out but it was no use she is really stuck

Mugs: I *Phew* I thought this was gonna be easier

Cala maria: told you



cups: Where do you think you're going?

Boris: I...I have...I h have to save my friend!

Cups: Listen brother likes you so until I save him,you're under my protection!

Cups: you saw how strong he is! He is fine! And I'll make sure of that.D don't tell the others about...this side of me!

Bendy: saw it all fluff-heart.


(Mugs pov)

Mugs: WOW!

Cala maria: it's the glows every time this place needs power

Mugs: is this the piece we need? Maybe I can take it off

Cala maria: Don't's as stuck as I am in this place!

Mugs: A little bit of hope wouldn't hurt you know?

Cala maria: I I'm sorry it's just that I'm tired of hoping for nothing.

Mugs: I'm sure it must of sucked every time but there's always another chance! I promise ed you we'll g get out.. HHHGH s so hope for m me..

I pulled on the gear trying to make it budge but it wasn't doing it but I wasn't giving up so I pulled really hard to make it move I finally made it move and started moving it.

Cala maria: *GASP* OH M MY...I do believe in you! My hero! She said blushing with hearts in her eyes


Felix: I'm not sure what's happening to her..but it seems like she's getting weaker...I hope...wait I almost forgot y/n I looked around to see if she's anywhere and saw her behind a few rocks crying she must be crying about mugs getting eaten I really wanna check up on her but I need to fight this monster of first.

I saw bendy falling and Boris shouting his name I threw my bag that turned into a boat(or whatever you call them)and him landing on it safely

Boris: BENDY!

Cartoon cat x reader x Cuphead,bendy And Felix (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now