ᴅᴏᴄᴇ. ᴊᴜsᴛ ғʀɪᴇɴᴅs

Start from the beginning

later that day*

"So fellas what are we doing later? Mila asked once they sat in their living room, after dinner.

"Imma be asleep, ion got no time to be playing around" Trey said tiredly as he scrolled through Instagram "You can come with me to Mikey's if you want, y'all are friends right?" Chris raised hi left eyebrows at her.

The truth is, Milagros never told her brothers what really went on between them. She just let them believe that they were friends and nothing beyond that.

"Mhmm" she nodded her head.

Chris could obviously see through her facade but decided to play along "Alright, her ready, we're leaving in like ten seconds" Chris looked down on his watch before staring right back at his twin with a smirk.

Mila nodded her head and just stole Trey's hoodie that was hanging from the couch.

"You better return that shit? It's my favorite!" He called out as they walked out the door "Right!" She rolled her eyes and got into the car for the third time that day.

The house that Mikey lives in was not that far away. It prob only took ten minutes to walk there but Chris decided to flex with his new license.

"We are here sista" he sang out in an opera voice as he jumped out of the car and instantly dragged her with him to the door where Dylan was waiting with a grin.

"Mila" he exclaimed and engulfed her into a bear hug. Suddenly Bronnys arms wrapped around them too and then came Jelassi.

Nia was the last to get her hug but it lasted way lobbed as they tackled each to her into the floor and cried their eyes out.

"What the fuck is goin in bro?" A voice called out from the stairs "Yo Waddup" Chris grinned and dabbed him up.

While Mila and Nia got off the floor the awkward tension in the air became thicker when they locked eyes.

"Hey Mila" he greeted her awkwardly with a hug as Dylan held his laugh in.

While everybody was smiling awkwardly Chris was left with a suspicious look on his face. He was about to say something when Nia cut him off so gracefully.

"Let's go watch that movie!" She clapped her hands together with a grin "Mhm" Mila followed after her into the living room.

Mikey has told them before the siblings came over to not try anything to bring them back together. But knowing his friend group, it was in their nature to do the opposite of what he had said.

They ran past her and occupied the whole couch leaving only the armchair left for the two to share.

"I can sit on the floor" Mila mumbled as Mikey had already sat down without knowing what had happened.

He looked back at them with a confused look before shaking his head with a sigh "Nah I think there's room for both of us" He moved so there indeed was a very, very small space for her.

Milagros contemplated whether or not it was a smart move, she did have feelings for him, and by sitting in the same chair might be the thing that brings the feelings back.

"We're friends, right?" He raised his eyebrows at her with a confused look on why she looked beyond scared.

"I guess"

Shrugging she sat down next to him, legs pressed together as she tried her best not to come in contact with him.

Mikey Williams reaches behind the armchair and pulled a blanket over them.

The group watched them uncomfortably move around, trying to find a comfortable spot.

He let out a big breath as he just lifted her up by her waist and sat her on top of him, bridal style.

Mila froze as he whispered "This is way more comfortable, sorry"

Dylan smirked and put on a Disney movie the sound of the intro to 'Coco' filled the room, replacing the awkward silence.

Mila felt her eyes getting heavier as she yawned and tried to stay awake.

she snuggled closer to the boy with a sly smirk. Mikey felt the smile creep on his face as he wrapped the blanket closer around her.

"Night bae" he looked down at her face, the light from the television illuminating her features.

"Nah just cuz this is happening, doesn't mean that we goin be anything" Mila rolled her eyes at him "Mhm, right" he threw his head back on the couch, his eyes set on the screen.

Y'all don't forget to vote and leave a comment I appreciate it a lot🥺 it also motivates me💗💗

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