7- revenge

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i finally decided that daphne was right. i needed to talk to draco. but i decided that first, i would get some revenge. but what to dooo what to dooo?
"hey lily! are you ready for breakfast?" oh that's it, i'll ask daphne.
"oh uh yea. uh can i ask you something?"
"sure. what it it?"
"how do i get revenge on draco for telling greg that i liked someone else? and showing greg that i'm sorry about what draco said."
"ok uhhhh. how about you get closer to someone they don't like. someone they would never want to see you with. how about. HARRY POTTER." daphne exclaims. it could work. he made draco very angry and he was super sweet.

"ok. i'll do it." and with that said, we walked out of our dorm. when we walked into the common room, we saw the boys sitting on the couches talking. we almost made it past them when we heard," lily?" draco's voice has never been so soft. i turn around angrily," what do you want?" i look him in the eye and they look clouded. of course they always are because they're gray, but still.
"i wanted to say i'm sorry. i shouldn't have acted the way i did and i'm sorry." he looked at me and it was clear he wasn't faking it.
"thank you for your apology. now if you'll excuse me, i have someone to see." when i said that draco's eyebrows raised and daphne had a smirk on her face.
"and who is this someone if i may ask?" draco asked very confused.
"i would like to know too." blaise pipped up.
"well. you all know him, and you will see who it is soon enough." and with that, daphne and i linked arms and walked out the portrait hole.
"boy are the boys going to be mad."

when we arrived at breakfast i tried to discreetly walk over to the gryffindor table. thankfully i went unnoticed until ron spotted me.
"oi! it's malfoy."
"shut it weasley, i'm the nice one. besides i have come to talk to harry."
"me? what about?"
"well let's just say my brother did something mean a while ago. i want to get some revenge so that he'll feel even worse about it and i was wondering if you would like to help me with it. seeing as you too don't see eye to eye."
"i'm in, but what would we be doing?"
"fake dating."

later that day in potions, harry and i were working on our plan and our potions.
"so i was thinking maybe we just walk in the hallways together. text each other a little bit more. maybe even flirt in front in front of them. it'll make draco mad and greg jealous." harry nodded and continued working on his potion. draco kept looking at us and glaring. he probably thinks somethings going on. good. when class was over, i grabbed my bag and harry and i nodded at each other. we walked out together followed by ron and hermione i believe? i could see draco out of the corner of my eye looked surprised. i see him run up behind me and,"lily where are you going?"
"i told you i needed to see someone. this is the someone." harry just awkwardly smiled and waved at him and i shot him the brightest malfoy smile i could.
"you can't fancy HIM! he's not good for you!"
"say all you want draco, you brought this upon yourself." the four of us then walked off, and draco stood there speechless.
"wow lilith, i didn't know you fancied harry." hermione said. i jus looked down and continued walking.
"of course she doesn't! she's just using him." ron said.
"actually ronald, i'm not using him. i have consent and he knows what he's getting into." i snapped. the three gryffindors just stood there in shock. i took that as my cue to leave and go to the slytherin common room before lunch.

yes yes short chapter, but i'm tryna think of ideas for this. but yea i hope y'all are liking it. thank you for the i think 19 reads. tell ur friends and keep reading. pls and thank u


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