Opening Up His Heart..

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As of the same continuous earlier schedule, Arsal was making him engaged in Business activities while wholely his family was gathered enough to be on a point to end up close upto him; to portray the feelings which were making them nervous and happy both at the same time ...

As same, on the wholesome, Arsal used to have breakfast while her mother served him lovingly his favourite Aalu ka paratha with curd which he loved alott...

Many of the things her mother used to cook for him but most likely he would stick onto his aalu ka paratha with non other than his favourite dip i.e, his curd
Khadija used to make parathas and while 3 to 4 parathas were at the end to make; she used to make a call to his beloved husband Abdul Malik and his son Arsal..
As usual for calling his husband she used to speak softly with loved attitude while her teasing tone was only for his son Arsal.

Malik and Arsal; the duo of father and his son both descended down the stairs, ready in their formal outfit to head to office.

Arsal freshly showered hairs were sticking to the side. The navy blue colour waistcoat over his white button down shirt defined the shape of his body perfectly, sticking to the curves of his muscles, making him look devilishly handsome. He held the coat in his hand and his cell phone in the other. His steps looked determined and as he descended the last of the stairs, his gaze landed on his mother, who stood by the dining table arranging his breakfast for him.

While Abdul Malik saw her oogling at him and checking him out, the side of his lips curled up in a slight smirk and that immediately brought her out of his thoughts and he saw her look away quickly. She looked like a deer caught in the light and looking at her flustered cheeks.

While Arsal Shaking his head at her, he neared her and placing his coat on his chair, he took a seat.
While having breakfast at the table her mother Khadija, usally with a warm welcoming smile used to welcome his husband and teasingly his son at the table and served them breakfast.
She used to tease his son not only for the making daytime memories but also to lighten his mood to be fresh enough; so as to be keeping his mood fresh all the time...
She doesn't changed his son's like for his breakfast anymore.. that is what they both makes a loveable bond between them ... Masha Allah!!
Whereas, sitting on the chair Arsal gaze went immediately onto the serving plate which was his most favorite Delicious mother cooked Aalu ka paratha with his curd dip. On the other hand Abdul Malik gaze went from his wife to his breakfast, which was placed in front of him and his face cringed looking at the same breakfast again, parathas.

He thought of denying to eat them but then he thought of teasing his wife a bit.

"The same old parathas!" He huffed. "I guess I'm too hot that the parathas wouldn't want to leave me." He joked, looking up at her with slightly raised eyebrows and a small smirk on his lips.

"Each day starting with these parathas on and again next morning coming back to these parathas." It's an undefined love darling which cannot be expressed nor it can felt by anyone; anymore !!" Continued joking and giving wink at her wife.

" It is like a love for me with these parathas that neither I can deny nor the parathas can " with a cringed tone smirk look at her wife.

Khadija said " Indeed, I can feel the love purely between you and your parathas ... How can you deny with these parathas anymore; obviously there is no one other than me to make this again hehe " with a slight laughter she ends up to make for his husband more parathas.

"Arsal beta, Indeed you are lucky enough to have this parathas again and again neither putting any demand to your mother " stopping at a little and again continuing up" whereas on my demand she hardly makes " his voice rose a bit to enable and hear his wordings go through the ears of his wife teasingly.

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