Chapter 1- Birthday

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Y/n pov

The husky is by the door looking at me with a crow on it's head.

'Ok... I'm fine... this is fine... I just-... have to make then okay with me going to UA... How hard can it be?'

I was passing around my room while thinking 'HOW THE FUCK, I'm convinsing mom and dad that is okay for me to go to UA? Since they both really really REALLY don't want me to become a hero... DAMN THEY DIDN'T EVEN LET ME USE THIS DAMN WINGS!!!'

Haru (the husky) is wagging her tail, while Void is just sitting in her head almost a sleep

'WHO AM I KIDDING??? Maybe they will cut out my wings this time... or maybe they will but bars in all windows, or maybe-'

"Y/n! Get that sweet ass here honey! Breakfeast is ready!" I stop passing around the room.

Mom called... better tuck in my wings before going down...


"Okay! But don't take too long, I made your fav!"

'Sweet! F/b! (Favorite breakfeast)'

I stay in the front of the mirror and smile at my bright yellow wings, Haru sits behind me with Void still on her head.

"Ok babies time to tuck you in"

I fold my wings the best I can, the rest goes around me like a dress.

'Just need to tie the now...'

I take the bandages that Haru got for me and tie then.

I put the dress on and see that the feathers are coming out from the bottom of my thigh hight f/c (fav color) dress, Haru sniff then.

'Damn it! They just keep growing! It was easier when I was little.... ok... now what?'

I stare at the mirror for a few segunds then I smile, Haru sees me smile and start to wag her tail.

"I'm such a dumbass! How didn't I think of that ealier??" Haru barks at that. "Hey! You weren't supose to agree with me!"

All the feather that are showing start to fly alone, and one by one goes in a pile on my bed, Void goes to the pile of feathers and lay down on them.

"There! Now it's better!" I smile at the mirror, then I look at my crow "HEY! THAT IS NOT A NEST! Those are MY feathers!" He just looks at me in the eyes and turn his back to me "You are lucky that you are cute!" I go back to look at the mirror.

'It's me! But... I'm kinda bland looking without them... just like mom n' dad... I hope they don't start talking about cutting them again...'

I fix my h/l (hair lenght) h/c (hair color) leaving it down and natural.

"If I have to go there to get that ass-!!"

"I'm coming mom! Haru stay here and take care of my things ok? Void you are in charge" I kiss their heads and run down the stairs and go to the kitchen, when I get there I smell pancaques and f/b. Mom is setting the table ready for us 3, her long blond hair is in a bun while she is with her back to me.

"Oh my god! It smell so good!" I sit at the table and look down at my f/b. "Thank you mom love u!" I kiss her cheek and go down to eat it, really fast.

"Slow down bunny! No one is gonna steal your food" mom laughts and sits down at my right to eat her pancaques and drink her coffee.

"So bunny! What do you want as a present? You said that you wanted to ask us in you birthday, I hope your dad says yes to you bunny" she caress my cheek and give it a few kisses.

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