VII: Buried Memories (part two)

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"Mother, can I play with the other kids? I saw Takahara ojii-san's grandchildren are playing hide and seek in the grove, can't I join?" The child said as the three of them were eating.

"No, Miyuki. It's easy to get lost in the grove, you'll give your father trouble again in finding you."

Miyuki's mother, Fuyumi, had always been strict. She never went outside alone, because if she did, her mother would discipline her.

She never knew why things were like that, asking didn't help either because her mother would dismiss it.

"Give it a rest, dear. Let Miyuki have fun...she'll not stay as a child forever. She needs to know other people too." Her father replied calmly.

"See? Shoichirou's okay with it, Mother!"

Her father, Shoichirou, was the total opposite of her mother. He was her freedom as he lets her explore different places with him and meet different people whenever she's with him selling their products.

Her father was a Bamboo cutter and was often in town to sell their harvests. Her mother, was an herbalist and was a known practitioner of medicines. People sometimes come by to their home for medicines but never stay too long, for despite her mother's beautiful appearance, she was indeed an intimidating woman.

Fuyumi's eyes went to her husband who just gave her a reassuring smile. She sighed.

"I'm just worried, Miyuki. What if you'll get in danger?"

The child Miyuki smiled and raised her arms.

"Don't worry, Mother! Miyuki is strong! Shoichirou taught me to do this." The little girl then punched and kicked the air, trying to show some fighting forms.

Shoichirou laughed nervously upon feeling his wife's deathly glares after being found out that he's been teaching their daughter how to fight.

Women are ought to grow up into fine ladies that time, fighting was not in their line.

However, for Miyuki, fighting was fun. At an early age, her goal was to become strong just like her father in order to protect their family, not to be a lady.

"Seriously, what are you teaching Miyuki, Shoichirou? Fighting? It's inappropriate."

The little girl was now asleep after her mother tucked her in.

"Learning how to defend herself is important, Fuyumi. Also, our child is's almost admirable." The husband replied.

"Besides, there are already several attacks in the town at night. They said it's probably an animal...den-deprived bear, perhaps."

Fuyumi dropped her gaze to the ground and clenched her fist.

The couple both knew the possibility that it might be not just an animal. The existence of demons are just myths and rumors in town, but for them, even if they haven't seen one, they knew it exist.

Fuyumi's great-grandmother and the generations before her, have all died because of demon attacks. It was as if their family was cursed, as the evil of the night have always managed to find them. 

It was only in her mother's time and hers that their lives have finally became peaceful.

Before Fuyumi's mother succumbed to her death at the age of 89, she reminded her to always beware of demons. It was almost like a curse. Every child born from their family has always been a daughter...only a single daughter. 

Their family has always been blessed with women, and can only bear a single child. Their silver hair never disappeared in their generation; Miyuki, however, was the only one who had a white hair and pair of golden eyes.

Buried in Snow (Demon Slayer X OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora