X: Wind and Ice

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"Oi, what's wrong with you?" Shinazugawa said as he noticed Miyuki's unsteady breaths and is now sweating profusely.

They arrived at the valley, overlooking it. Even at night, you can still see the steam fuming from the earth. The surroundings were humid even with the cold air.

"I'm fine..." Miyuki replied calmly.

It was a lie.

The rising temperature of the valley affected Miyuki the most because although her body was well-adapted to the cold, it goes the opposite for heat. Even more so, with this temperature, Miyuki knew that she won't probably be able to use her breaths because of it.

Shinazugawa knew of her condition but still took her word anyway. Pillars didn't just become pillars for nothing, after all.  Despite this, they both continued to make their way down to the valley.

"Ugh! What the fuck is that smell?!" 

"Smells like something's cooking a rotten meat..." Miyuki added after the Wind Pillar's remarks, also revolted by the stench.

They both went closer to where the smell was coming from and stopped after seeing a gruesome sight of men's dead bodies melting in the valley's small lake, its waters were boiling hot.

Miyuki wanted to gag.

What they're smelling right now isn't because of the sulfur coming from the hot springs, it was the smell of the melting flesh of human bodies.

"Oh my, visitors? I'm not fond of women but good thing you brought another one with you." 

The two pillar looked around and saw a little girl, a demon to be specific, sitting on the boulder above the hot waters.

She was dressed in a kimono and was only half the size of the two pillars. Despite having one head, the demon has two faces: a little girl's at the front and an adult woman's at the back.

Although it was little, they knew its size was only a facade. The demon already ate a lot and they can sense it without a doubt. 

"Found you, you motherfucker!!! You're brewing some real shit in here. It's disgusting!" Shinazugawa growled and pulled out his sword.

"What a foul-mouthed man...you don't have to curse while talking to a little girl-" The demon said.

"Fuck you." The Wind Pillar let out a laugh and immediately charged towards the demon.

Miyuki watched on the side, trying to observe the demon's capabilities.

It was agile and fast as she was able to evade all of the Wind Pillar's attacks like nothing. However, Miyuki noticed that it was not attacking...it was suspicious.

"You little roach. I'll cut you into pieces..."

Shinazugawa accidentally hopped into the boiling lake and burned his leg. After he did so, the little girl started giggling disturbingly.

Miyuki knew that something was up.

"Shinazugawa, your leg..." The Ice Pillar immediately went to her co-pillar, crouching down to see his injury.

"It's just a burn, Shiraishi. Don't take it too-" The pillar stopped after seeing his skin slowly turning dark. It was shriveling up and started to look like melting.

The Wind Pillar stopped moving.

"Fufufu, ahhh...the next time you attack me, I'll make sure that your whole body will dip inside the lake. I don't mind eating raw humans, but cooking is better..." The demon chuckled and went back to her boulder.

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