"Then we heard you scream so we thought that something was wrong and someone broke in because of the noise we heard." Jason said.

"So we came to check on you "Eric continued

"But it looks like it was you who made all the noises that sacred us " Eric and Jason laughed while saying.

"Well there's no harm done in sleep walking" i said to them angrily

Then it hit me I've never sleep walked before? My brothers had the same look on their face like me.

"Well ok then now that we settled what was making the noises was me with my creepy sleep walking get out my room so I can get ready" I yelled while pushing my two laughing idiot brothers out.

When I turned around I literally jumped. My room was a mess! I had flour on the floor and tomato's, cheese, peporoni, sausage. What the fuck was i making a pizza?

I turned to the clock and saw it was 5:52am. Fuck I'll just clean this later I need to go to school. Since this was my first day at this school.

Let me explain it's mid October and I had been going to some preppy snooty school for a long time. Don't get me wrong I liked it and had great friends. But I wanted to be free so I finally convinced my parents (with the help of my brothers) to let me go to Mountain View High School (A/N: made up the name: D).

 My brother's used to go there so I thought it would be nice to go there to.

I had taken a shower, brushed my teeth and started getting ready by 6:18. Whoa! I need to be at school by 7:30 so I took my time picking out my outfit.

Finally I picked put a pair of black skinny jeans and a light blue shirt that hugged my curves on it had a picture of bugs bunny chewing a carrot saying "What's up Doc?" haha love this shirt. Plus it makes me look good. Finally to top the outfit Blue sparkling converse high tops.

I had brushed my hair and put most of it to a side which was my normal look and didn't put on any make up since I thought that I didn't need it. Plus the fact my brother's would make me take it off but I didn't care.

I was on my way out my room with my stuff when I heard the cars drive off down the drive way. What?!

I looked at the time it was only 7:00am. They were supposed to go to work in an hour after they dropped me off at school.

I went to check to see if I was imagining things but no they had left me home. Aghh!! Times like this I wished I still went to private school.

I decide to call them and ask were the heck they went.

Phone conversation

"Hello?" answered Eric

"Where the hell are you guys? I don't know where the school is and you were supposed to drive me today!"

"Calm down we had and emergency with the gang so Jason had to make an emergency meeting cuz he is the leader and anyway you can drive now since that private school gave you your license early." said Eric

"Hello!! I have no idea where the school is and i refuse to take the limo mom and dad said I should take."

"Well then take the GPS and you will get there."

"Fine but you're going to pay for this" I said ending the call.

Then I got a text from my brother's saying:

Have fun at school Jessica Love Eric: D

Gang leader's sister And gang leader's brother means troubleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora