Chapter 1

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Ok decide to start a new story im not soo good at this beacuse im barly starting soo sorry if it sucks but please comment and vote.
thanks <3


When I opened my eyes I was face to face with some guy I didn't even know the little light that was being given off from the light post in the street was giving. Then It came to me I was downtown and this guy was there just standing at me in the rain. I looked down at both of us and I was in my jeans and shirt both were rip to shreds with blood stains on it from cuts. The guy had blood and cuts on his face and arms. The guy just kept coming closer and I back away with each step he took. Then I was backed into a wall and couldn't escape.

When the guy took one more step towards me I saw a shadows and yells that looked like my older brothers I tried to move but couldn't I was frozen

Why can't I move then I heard the yelling again. I couldn't take it anymore I need to see what's going on. While I was busy trying to figure out how to move the guy had came closer and was inches away from me.

I looked down I his pocket and saw a knife. Oh No I'm going to die. That's when I decide to scream.............................


I jumped straight out of my bed screaming like I just did and fell off my bed. That's when I realized that was dreaming the whole thing but it seemed so real. Then my door flew open and in my brothers with weapons or what I call killing tools.

My name's Jessica I just finished turning 14 last weeks and I'm a freshman in high school. I have black straight hair dark and light brown eyes that tend to switch colors. I have a great body with curves and good legs .My brothers are very over protective because of it. This is why they have these wepons for many reasons. 

You see my older brother's are in some gang things which they are gang members/leaders they are 18(Eric) and 20 years old (Jason ).

My parents are always working which make us pretty rich and my brothers were fed up with them not being there so they joined a gang and they think it's like their family. Sometimes it does feel that way because I've meet the gang before they are always sticking together and acting like brother and sister. Yes there are girls in the gang too.

My brothers refuse me being in it too they said they want me to learn and focus on school. They both did graduate but never kept going because of the gang. So I am the one who's going to make something out of myself.

My brothers came in and yelled "What's wrong!? Are you ok?!" I just sighed and said "yea just had a creepy dream go back to sleep I have to start school tomorrow and you two have work. Now get out my room" Then my alarm went off I realized it was 5:30 I had to get ready anyways. I groaned while getting up

My brothers stood there laughing."Well looks like we can't sleep anymore thanks to your little scare but you might want to take the pans and food back down stairs if you're not going to make pizza."

Huh? What were they talking about? They pointed to the other side of my room and I just jumped up and gasped "Oh my god! Did I really do that?!" I looked to my brothers for answers.

They just kept laughing and then they stopped to think for a minute.

"Well we did hear noises down stairs in the kitchen but we thought it was the maids or chef cooking or cleaning."Eric said.

Gang leader's sister And gang leader's brother means troubleحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن