Final Chapter: Forgiveness

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The day have come, where we will save Peashy, and beat the seven sages once and for all

I was in the forest, waiting for my daughter to make Peashy come, as i was thinking

Y/N: Is all of this happening because i've beaten Rei?

I heard some yell coming from East, as i sigh

Y/N: They took their time

I was sitting on a rock, as in front of me, someone crashed into the ground

It was a girl with Yellow hair, yellow/red eyes, and a CPU clothes

Their is no doubt, it's Peashy

Peashy: Owie, it hurt...

She soon smiled and get up

Peashy: But it's fun!

She looked up and see no one, as she started to search everywhere

She turned to me, and smiled

Peashy: Yeah! Someone else to play with!

She rushed at me, weapon ready, as i could see my daughter ready to fight her

Before Peashy could hit me, i patted her head, as she was confused

Peashy: What are you doing? I want to play!

Y/N: How about we talk a few minutes before we start to play?

Peashy: Okay!

She sat at my side, as she looked at me curious

Peashy: Who are you? You look familiar!

Y/N: Of course i'm familiar, a daughter shall never forget her father, isn't it?

Peashy: Huh?

Suddendly, she clenched her head, as she fall on the ground

I walked to her, as she looked at me, still in pain

Peashy: W-What's happening?

I didn't say anything as i hugged her

She tensed up, as she started to scream in pain

I broke the hug and did something unexpected

I flicked her head, as she was surprise

Y/N: I told you that when i would come back, i will buy you some ice cream, but you weren't there

Peashy looked at me, shocked, as tears started to form

Y/N: But don't worry, when all of this is over....

I smiled at her warmly

Y/N: I will buy you all the ice cream you want!

It was the final hit, as she untransformed, and hugged me as hard as she could, crying

Peashy: Daddy! I'm sorry! I forgot about you!

I hugged her, as i patted her back gently

Y/N: It's okay, now you're back and that's the most important thing

She looked at me, as i wiped her tears

Y/N: Now, it's time for that ice cream right?

She smiled and hugged me again

Peashy: Yeah! I want a chocolate ice cream!

Y/N: Then i will buy you all the chocolate ice cream you want!

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