Chapter 2| After Math

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The sky had finally cleared up. There were no more residue left from the storm and Fairbanks had returned to its original state. Everyone in town were so happy that the storm had quit. It's took a few more days to get electricity back, but at least they were able to go outside.There was much snow outside and people spent the whole day cleaning their drive ways. The storm seemed to not affect many, except for the Frost family.

A few days earlier...

After the Avalanche, Jayla had quickly got up on her feet and tried to get inside of What use to be a cave and find her sister. With all the snow that hugged the cave she couldn't even get through it. With minutes passing by, all the snow was beginning to turn into ice by the freezing cold the storms' residue created. Jayla had come to the fact that's she couldn't get threw to her sister alone so she ran out of the forest as fast as she could and made her way to the police who weren't far ahead to help retrieve Juliette.

Jayla waited in the waiting room of the police office and watched the police officers rush out of the building and speed off to the cave where Jayla instructed them to go to. The receptionists were calling fire departments and any possible help they could find because avalanches were no joke in Alaska.

The poor girl just sat there completely traumatized on how the day had twisted. She didn't know what to do or say but the only thing she could think of was how hard it was to convince herself that her sister would be alive under all that ruckus. She didn't want to cry because she wasn't sure if Juliette was dead and she felt that she owed to her sister to not break down because Juliette hated seeing her cry.

After a while Jayla started blaming herself. She just stood there, she thought, and didn't do anything to help her sister. For god sakes Juliette had pushed her to safety while Jayla didn't do anything to save Juliette.

She was completely lost in her thoughts and this made it harder to not cry. The receptionist was currently on the phone with her mom who said she would be there soon. In a few minutes a brunette women had ran into the building looking horrendous from her sleep. Her hair was everywhere and her face looked destroyed from the bad news.

Josie walked to her daughter and swiftly held her in her arms. So many thoughts had gone threw her head but she pushed them back because she knew she had to be there for Jayla. The mom whispered sweet things in her ear to try and make her forget about the situation even if she knew it couldn't change the one thing that was going threw Jayla's mind. Was. Juliette. Frost. Alive?

After a while of trying to comfort each other, the receptionist said they were able to go to the avalanche and see what was going on. With out a second thought, Josie grabbed Jayla's hand and they sped walked out of the police station and made their way to the forest.

Jayla stopped before they entered the forest. She wasn't sure if she was ready to know what had happened. The thought of it being bad news made her heart break a little. She didn't want her relationship with her sister to end here and was scared to feel the same pain again like when her father passed.

The passing of her father made her and her family suffer Great Depression and it was the hardest thing she had to face in her life. Knowing that she couldn't ever see her father and that she couldn't do anything to stop the death ached her heart.

Thinking and feeling death isn't the same thing. You can process that it will hurt when someone special to you dies, but experiencing it is a whole other thing. Feeling that the person is no longer there is hard to comprehend. It's like your mind doesn't build the image of a world without that person. You can wake up the next day and not realize right away that that person is no longer with you. Doing thing you did with that person is even harder. You cry all the time when the name is mentioned or a simple thought of that person crosses your mind. There is no way of escaping it but time and acceptance.

Iceberg ❆ Spider-Man x Peter ParkerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang