Chapter 1| The Big Bang

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It had been the middle of January in Fairbanks,Alaska.

Everyone had prepared themselves for the huge snow storm coming that Friday.

They were informed to be prepared and to not go outside for the 4 days the storm was set to attack.

It was obviously very quiet in the streets since everyone was too scared to even step foot outside but except one.

Juliette and her family had the worst during this storm.

The family had left all their entertainment at Aunt Joyce's house so they were miserable the whole storm.

Day one of the storm, they were alright.

They mainly entertained themselves with old stories of their moms' journey with their father who had passed.

Day two was a little bit harder.

Since on day one they spoke about everything, they had nothing to talk about anymore so they just read and drew.

Day three was terrible!

They had to sleep all day because they had nothing to do plus the two children's mom had started to become sick.

Day four was their last straw.

They all were fed up and couldn't wait for the next day to get out, but Juliette had it worse.

The tall sixteen year old had always been very beautiful to everyone.

With her dark brown hair and her stunning chocolate brown eyes, she took glances from many people.

She was always adored by her parents and was a lovely older sister but after the death of her father, she faded a little from the family and focussed on her hobby's that her mother wasn't too fond of.

As for her little sister Jayla, she looked up to Juliette.

The female was beginning to attract people with her beauty as well as she grew older.

She had the same features as Juliette but didn't realize how beautiful she was yet.

Jayla was very shy and listened very well.

She payed attention to everything around her but mostly to Juliette's life because she found it so exciting.

The older sister would share her stories with her sibling which made Jayla love her even more.

Jayla wished she was an extrovert so she could do the things with her sister instead of staying inside and not communicating with the outside world.

Juliette was always outside.

She was either doing something mischievous or enjoying the nature Alaska had provided them.

So she decided to convince her little sister Jayla, to sneak out of the house and go to the cave she always went to that she has recently found and went there to relax all the time.

Jayla wasn't to happy about going with her sister since it was still day 4 and her mother was starting to get a cold.

So Juliette promised that they would be back before mother woke up so they could be there for her.

Jayla agreed thinking that she would finally have a taste of her sisters exciting life even if they were only going to see a cave.

At least that's a start she thought.

They had climbed out of the window in the washroom with the suggestion of Juliette which earned a confused glance from her little sister.

"What? I do sneak out sometimes."
She shrugged and returned to walking down the empty street while holding Jayla's cold hand after she climbed out the window too.

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