Chapter 1: Introductions

Start from the beginning

She smiled again and led me away from the reception, where Natasha was still on the telephone.

Mary pushes the glass doors open and led me trough the hallways. We reached a wooden door, with a glass window and a white handle. ‚Head Nurse. Miss Mary Glinns' was standing on the glass in big, black letters. She took a key from the keychain, I noticed by her side and unlocked the door to her office. She mentioned for me to go in first, so I did. I sat down on the chair across from hers. She closed the door and moved around the table to sit in her chair. She glued her eyes to the computer next to her. She clicked the mouse a few times before settling her gaze back to me.

„I see your page here and everything seems perfectly fine." she began with a smile.

Yeah, more like perfectly fake.

„I am happy to tell you that you can start your first day as a nurse at the Crotus Prenn Asylum now. Here are your Keys, your Uniform and a map of the facility." she handed me a box with said items inside. I put on a fake happy face and took the box, examining it.

„Go to the nurses room. I'll pick you up in about 30 Minutes and give you a tour. You should study the map and change clothes." Mary smiled again. She seemed very happy that someone wanted to work here. This place didn't seem to get new people every day.

She extended her hand for me to shake. I shook her hand and walked out of the office.

The hallways were bright and empty. The only Sounds were the quiet summing of the lights and the thud, thud my boots made while walking. I looked at the map and rounded a corner.

Shortly after I reached a silver door, which read ‚Nurses Room' in black letters.

I unlocked the door and stepped inside, closing it afterwards. I turned around, only to be greeted by a heart attack. There was a corpse lying on the small sofa that stood by the wall. I scanned the body.

It was a woman. Maybe in her 30s or 40s. She had nice red hair just like me, but hers was a bit darker. She wore a blue dress, which color seemed to slowly fade away, it must be old.

Just then I noticed the raising and falling of her chest.

Not dead, just passed out.

I moved closer to the woman. Under her arm was a leather, brown bag. She must've fallen asleep after finishing the night shift.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed one of the lockers open. I turned around and peeked inside.
Nothing interesting. Just her uniform, a pair of shoes, an apple and a photo.

I examined the old paper. It was fading, but you could still see a woman and man. She was wearing a white dress and he was wearing a nice black tuxedo.

A wedding picture.

I closed the locker quietly and looked at the name tag on it. The writing was a bit smudged but I could make out the name Sally. The last name was smudged away.

I turned back to Sally. She was totally out of it. I nudged her foot with mine, but nothing happened. She didn't react other than making a small groaning noise.

I chuckled quietly and moved to the bathroom next to the couch.

I closed the door and looked at the white uniform in my hands. I grimaced.

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