Chapter four

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I woke up in an hospital bed. I was trying to process what happened, until a nurse came in to check on me. She told me that I was alright and that I'll able to go home in the afternoon.

After she left, my parents immediately came in, all worried. "Are you alright? We were told that the investigators found you unconscious after being attacked by a ghoul. They eliminated the ghoul, don't worry about that." They said before sitting beside my bed and waiting for me to reply. "I'm glad to see you, hug?" They hugged me and we stayed like this for a while. I then remembered about Urie.

"Where's Kuki?" My mom looked at my dad before to speak. "I'm sorry, the investigators couldn't find him. They told us they didn't have any lead. They don't know if he is still alive or not."She paused, her gaze averted on the floor before to continue. "I'm really sorry." She opened her arms and hugged me again, I began to cry.

It was all my fault, wasn't it? Me, a little innocent teen, let my friend died because of my incapacity. If only I had fought back then, maybe he would be in an hospital bed while eating snacks with me. Oh, how much I am angry against myself. But anyways, those negative thoughts won't change a thing, will they?

I cried harder in the arms of my mom as she held me tighter, waiting for me to fall asleep.

The last thought I had was I will become an investigator, so that things like that will never happen again.


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