23 1 1

Sixteen of us?

"I'm assuming that's all of us then," someone else commented - a tired, frustrated looking boy. Asa had run over to this guy and the girl stood by him during the, what, five seconds we'd been here?

That must be the girl Asa mentioned then. But who's the guy? I'll have to introduce myself at some point, so I  guess I'll find out soon enough.

"Now that we're all here, we should probably introduce ourselves, right?" The person who spoke, a dark haired girl with dyed tips, looked around at us all. The girl stood by her looked mildly uncomfortable at the thought, but refrained from commenting, simply choosing to shuffle closer to her.

They know each other too? So many people already seem to have friendships... This is going to make it more awkward for me. 

What are the chances that so many people that were accepted to the school knew each other beforehand anyway..?

Time for introductions, I guess.

I headed over to the closest person, a girl with silver, cropped hair that was shaved on one side. She was wearing a pastel pink leather jacket along with a short, white dress. Nothing that really seemed to give anything about her talent away.

She raised an eyebrow as I walked over, studying me for a moment. Clearly, I must have been approved or something as she nodded at me, placing a hand on her hip and extending the other for a handshake. 

"Victoria Nakatsuka, ultimate stuntwoman! Consider yourself lucky that I'm talking to you, not many get approved." At this, a smug look crossed her face, although it faded quickly. "Although.. Most of the people here pass the test, so it doesn't look too difficult so far. I can tell you though, normally it's hard! A star like me can't just talk to whoever, y'know?"

Victoria Nakatsuka.. I've heard of her. While obviously her main job is replacing actresses when they need someone to perform stunts, I've heard she also just performs stupidly dangerous stunts for fun in her free time. There was a video that circulated of her a while ago where she did a handstand walk across a tightrope. Not too bad on it's own, but they set the tightrope on fire as well.. And that's one of her less extreme stunts. It makes sense for her to have this much confidence in herself when she's able to do all of that. I can't really complain about her self esteem.

"It's an honour to meet you." I shook her hand, introducing myself. 

Honestly? When I compared my talent to hers, it definitely made me feel less important. My talent can't even be completely proven as real, and here I was stood next to a famous stuntwoman.

I suppose I should get used to that... All of them will have talents like this. No one else is going to have a stupid 'unreal' talent like mine.

I quickly excused myself, looking around for someone else to introduce myself to. As I was about to make my way over to someone, I felt myself get pulled aside. 

"Sorry. Just figured I may as well introduce myself to you now. That way I can get back to figuring out whatever's going on."

I looked up at the person who'd spoken. They were a tall, dark-skinned boy with his hair pulled back into dreadlocks. I recognized him as Zak Morozov - the ultimate basketball player. If you somehow hadn't heard of him, the white basketball uniform would be a dead giveaway.

"Ah - you don't need to introduce yourself. I recognize you. It'd be pretty hard not to, right..? You're pretty well known." I chuckled nervously.

And there's another pretty famous person... I really can't live up to the expectation of an ultimate if there are so many people like this here. He's already being scouted by basketball teams all around the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2020 ⏰

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