Start from the beginning

"Ash is nice but i toh love my first nickname" i said and laughed and he smiled

"Oh my little nerd" he said and picked me up and i smiled

He kept me in his arms until we reached the car and we sat inside, he was driving with one hand and i was holding the other, our fingers entangling

We reached to starbucks first because we both craved some coffee and despite me forcing him to not pay for me, he still did anyways and as we reached my house after long drives and listening to music he played in the car!

"I guess i have to leave" i said and he held my hand

"Wait" he said and i looked at him, he turned towards the backseat and took out something from the back pocket of the backseat

"Close your eyes" he said and i dis as he said, he took my arm and placed something

"Now open your eyes" he replied and i saw my airpods, if you remember, our first interaction and then he threw my airpods into the ocean and i left my case in the beach in anger

(A/N: I bet you didnt expect this! Did you?)

"Sanku... I" i didnt have words to say

"I know how much things are worth, i am not a spoilt brat and I understand the importance of love! You got so angry then that you didnt let me explain that i didnt throw them, i just enacted and kept them with me and you threw away the case! Since that day i was waiting for the right time to give you back" he said and i just hugged him

"Thank you! I LOVE YOU" i said still hugging him

Thats when i started raining heavily and i parted the hug

"Look it's raining" i said excited and i was about to go out when he held my hand

"Are you mad! You will get wet and sick" he said caringly

"Well i dont care and its fun, you too come na" i said taking my jacket out and went out and jumped around in circles getting soaked in rain, bringing my hand forward and feeling the rain drops! I turned around to the car and signalled sanket to come out and enjoy but he didn't and instead kept smiling

"Come na its fun" i said and dragged him out of the car

We were both enjoying the rain and feeling amazing, he held me and i was so close to him, he covered me with the jacket i left in the car, we were legit just an inch apart, i was looking into his eyes and he was looking into mine, i closed my eyes and i could feel him coming closer to me and seconds later our lips met, i could feel his soft lips and his arms going around my waist, my hands went on his shoulders and i enjoyed the passionate kiss, I allowed his tongue to explore my mouth and then we parted apart as we were out of breath

"I loved it" i said softly and hugged him as he hugged me back, i felt safe in his arms

"I will see you around" he said and i parted the hug

"You are all soaked up, just come inside and change orelse you will get sick" i said and held his hand and took him inside

"Bhaii, we are home" i shout

"What the fuck! Is there no roof in your car that you got drenched" he said as he saw us

"Well you know your sister, she just ran out of the car" sanket said and i hit him playfully

"Well well well, of course aashna hegde loves rain" he said and i laughed

"I will get the towels" i said and was about to go  inside

"But wait" my brother said  "I never knew this about you" he added

"Know what?" I asked confused

"That aashna hegde also likes a kiss in the rain" he said and i was so embarrassed, my cheeks were gonna be as red as a tomato, my mouth open wide and my hands covering it

" did you know?" I ask

"Well I wouldn't have, if you wouldn't have worn that red lipstick, its all over sanket" he said and laughed and i looked at Sanket who was also grinning

I cant with the guy trust me i cant! Oh why do i love him?

"Fuck yaa" i said "sanku! You should have known" i face palm myself "now that you are done leg pulling me get me some towels, or i will be sick" i said and he made a funny face as he went to get the towel

I stood there near the door shivering, my arms rubbing each other to provide me some warmth

"So nerd, did you enjoy it" he said as he took my hands into his and started rubbing them to provide me some warmth and it was working

"Yes i did, mr badboy" i joked and he side hugged me

"Are you still feeling cold?" He said and i could see the concern

"Nope! I can feel you hotness" i laugh and my brother comes with towels

I provide sanket with one of his hoodies that i had from the party the other day at Avinash's house and my brother's shorts

We were sitting on the bed cuddling up, and watching a movie while i kept thinking to myself, what would my life have been if i hadn't met him? What would it have been if we still hated each other?

Well now its too late to think about to it all i guess, after all, the nerd is now changed, she is bold and better, Love is the key, here i am the nerd who changed to bold and better, in the bed with her love, but what i still thought about was OUR KISS IN THE RAIN, AHH FINALLY THE NERD FELL FOR THE BAD BOY AND THE BAD BOY FELL FOR THE NERD!
Hey guys I hope you enjoyed the chapter! The story is now to an end, because i wanted the chapter to end on an even number, i will just upload one more chapter showing their love experience ❤️

QOTD: did you enjoy the book? Anything you loved the most or disliked? Feel free to let me know

Happy friendship day guys!

Do comment your views guys! We have reached the end and it was an amazing journey with you all

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A KISS IN THE RAIN [COMPLETED] ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now