Michael Myers Deepthroating

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Too many times now has Michael come home, covered in blood and tracking it everywhere, even after the times I've near screamed and shouted at him about it. Even though his acts of killing isn't something that really bothers me as much as the constant scrubbing down the house, the smell of bleach has been getting on my nerves recently.

Ever since the friend group of teens moved into one of the houses near the woods, the type of house that has massive hedges mostly blocking its view of the trees, I've been badgering off at Michael about not killing them and bringing the attention of the police so close. But still, he doesn't plan on being distracted from his new mission so easily.

I get woken up in the early hours of the morning to the sound of something falling over. I turn over to see the spot that Michael usually inhabits empty. He's on the move again. And there's no doubt in my mind where he's going. Pulling on my dressing gown and slippers, I chase after him.

"Michael, no, you can't! Not this one!" I whisper shouted at him as he silently strides towards the new neighbour's house. As expected, he doesn't respond; Not that I really expected him to. But I still continue to follow him all the way there.

The house that Michael is targeting is as quiet as the grave. Quiet an ironic saying if he ends up going along with what I know he's going to do. Before I know it, he slips behind the hedge and out of sight.

Groaning slightly and looking around me to make sure nobody's about, worry begins eating away at my stomach as I sneak around the corner with him. Michael is peaking around the corner on the other side, still not answering my quiet protests.

That is until he slowly turns around to face me. There's barely much space between us. Michael reaches forwards, tracing the tips of his fingers over my mouth. I don't continue to talk, not wanting his hand to move scuttle away from me like a frightened spider. It's too rare I get any sort of attention without doing something for it.

He slides his thumb over my lower lip. I look down at Michael's hand and look back up into his eyes. It shifts at the split second my eyes leave it, lacing its fingers around my throat but not squeezing. Not yet. My attention shifts back down to look at his arm but it lands on something else instead. A raising tent is building itself behind Michael's coveralls and I understand what is wanted as I sink to my knees, pulling his zipper down with me.

Michael uses his free hand to fully pull himself out of his clothing, still holding on to me. I open my mouth, trying to get a hold on the tip but he just pulls himself away from me before I can. I whine slightly, looking up at him with puppy eyes. "Please?"

Instead of letting me wrap my mouth round him, Michael only holds onto himself and begins pumping away. Whenever he shifts close enough, I open my mouth to let him inside it, only for him to move away again. I bite at my lip, becoming antsy, just wanting to jerk him off myself. "I'll be good... Please?"

The hand on my neck moves itself to my hair, its fingers burying themselves in and grabbing a fist full so that I don't move away. I part my lips once again, still wanting to hold onto him in some way.

"Kiss first."

I leave a kiss on the head first before finally bringing him into my mouth, a slight groan of relief escaping me. Beginning to bob my head slowly to ease at my gag reflex, I latch my hands into his thighs to steady myself.

Both of Michael's hands are on my head now but it takes me a few seconds to realise what he's doing. He's pulling all of my hair out of my face so that I have a clear view of what I'm doing, but is holding onto all of it in one hand so that I don't move my head away from him before he's done.

After gaining my balance, my hands falls from his thighs and make their way to the robe I pulled on when followed him. Of all the nights to sleep naked, I got lucky doing it tonight. Pulling back the material and letting it fall off me, I begin massaging at my chest, used to not getting too much from Michael.

"Put that back on."

I groan around him, just wanting some pleasure myself, feeling the usual uncomfortable feeling in the base of my stomach.

Suddenly, before I know what happened, Michael has pulled out of my mouth and put himself away, the robe is pulled up and I'm over his shoulder. He begins walking back to our home.

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