Inside My Head, Again

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Sometimes I sit and I stare at the wall...
Dreaming of a place of only happiness and love...
Other times I lay in my bed,
Tears running down my face from all the thoughts inside my head...
But that's okay.
That's okay because I'm fine.
Or at least that's what I say when someone asks how I am...
I put smile on my face and say that I am good...
But maybe I'm not.
Maybe the thoughts inside my head are tearing me apart...
Little by little...
Until I can't fake my smile.
Sometimes I lay here and I think..
What if maybe it's not all my fault?
But then again,
It has to be..
I can't lay here and blame anyone but myself for the thoughts inside my head
Like maybe if my dad yelled less..
And my mom smiled more..
All these thoughts inside my head wouldn't be here.
But like I said...
I can't blame these thoughts in my head on anyone but myself.

By: RylieAnne Roach

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