Chapter 2

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Bendy’s POV

Boris and I walked backstage to meet up with Mickey so that Boris can get his autograph. Soon enough we met with him. “M-Mr M-Mickey” Boris stammered. “I-I've B-been a-always a f-fan of y-you ever s-since I w-w-was small, and I-I was wondering if...” Boris continued to stammer so I decided to help him out. “He wants your autograph dude” I finished for him.

“Sure thing kid. What’s your name” Mickey said. “B-B-B-Boris” Boris said. “So, you two enjoyed the show?” Mickey asked. “Yeah we did!” Boris said. I just shrugged my shoulders. “Eh, it was ok”

“Hey Mickey” a voice called. The three of us turned around only to face two girls walking towards us. One blue and the other red. But to my surprise, the blue one was a demon like me. I thought that I was the only demon around. I looked at the female demon for a solid 2 minutes. She was drop-dead gorgeous. I felt my cheeks heat up. ‘I wonder who she is’ I said to myself. 

“Hey girls. Did you like the circus” Mickey asked. “We sure did” the demon said. The red wolf just growled. “Uncle Mickey! Uncle Goofy and I are going shopping, and we’re taking papa with us. Do you need anything?” a little bunny asked as he walked up to us with Oswald. “Just be safe and take care of your father for me, ok” Mickey said. “Ok” the bunny replied. 


We all went into silence when we heard painful groans and coughing. We turned to see the blue demon holding her stomach and coughing. “OH NO! Dynasty, hang on” the wolf said as the two embraced each other. 

Boris and I gasped. “OH MY GOODNESS!!” Mickey cried. I looked at the female demon in worry. Water streamed down her face, hair, and skin and dripping out of her mouth……..wait, water?

3rd Person POV

“Let me see her….” Mickey insisted. Destiny sneered, holding Dynasty close to her. “Don’t touch her!” she growled. 

Mickey backed away from Destiny while Boris walked up to her “Please miss, let us help you” he said worried. Destiny narrowed her eyes. “How do I know that I can trust you?” she asked suspiciously. “I’m going through something similar to what she’s going through.” Bendy responded walking up beside Boris. “We know how to deal with this situation. Please let us help you”

Destiny thought for a moment. Then she looked at her sister. Dynasty was holding her stomach very tight and breathing really hard as if she was losing it as water continued to drip off of her. Destiny hated seeing Dynasty in so much pain. Then she looked back at Bendy, Boris, and Mickey. ‘They do seem to have had an experience with this situation. Maybe they do know what they are doing. I still don’t trust them with my sister, but things will go a lot quicker since I have no idea on what to do afterwards’ she thought. “Fine, You can help” she finally said. 

Mickey, Boris, and Bendy smiled. But that soon changed when Dynasty screamed in pain. Soo she fell to the floor on her knees. “Dynasty, it's ok. I got you” Destiny said comforting kneeling down beside her sister. “Where's her pain medicine?” Bendy asked. Destiny grabbed Dynasty’s bag, opened it, and found a bottle of her pain pills. She handed some of the pills to Bendy. He took Dynasty and placed her down on her back. He placed the pills in her mouth. Dynasty swallowed them and started to relax. The water on her started disappearing and the pain was relieving, but she was still stressed and tensed up. Destiny knew that this happened a lot. She lifted Dynasty and placed her head on her chest and rubbed small circles on her back gently. ”It’s ok Dyna, I’m here” she said soothingly.

Dynasty soon calmed down. She closed her eyes and fell asleep in Destiny’s arms. Destiny sighed in relief. She then looked at Bendy, Boris and Mickey. And for the first time in forever, (A/N: See what I did there?) Destiny smiled at them as a thank you. “T-Thank you” she said in a quiet voice. 

The boys smiled at her. “No problem” Mickey said. “Would you like me to take her to one of the rooms so that she can rest” Destiny thought for a moment. It didn’t take long for her to reply with a ‘yes’. Destiny trusted them now. She knew that Dynasty would be safe in Mickey’s hands. Mickey picked up Dynasty bridal style and took her to a separate room.

💧Water💧and 🔥Fire🔥 Don't Mix BABTQFTIM: Bendy and Boris X OCs जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें