Chapter 1

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Dynasty’s POV

It’s been about two days since… little incident. Destiny has taken very good care of me, but now I feel like she’s changed. She wasn’t her normal happy self. Now she is very defensive against others. She sends glares at people that walk right past us. She even goes into immediate defence mode while I’m having a calm conversation with someone. Now that’s just overdoing it. The big question that I’m trying to find the answer to is ’Why is Destiny so protective of me?’

Destiny and I walked until we had a circus tent. We walked a bit closer and met up with a small mouse at the entrance. “Why, hello there ladies. How are you on this fine day” the mouse said. Destiny sent glares at the mouse, but I just smiled. “We’re doing well, sir. Thanks for asking” I said. “No problem. Name’s Mickey. Mickey Mouse. What might your names be” Mickey asked. “My name is Dynasty.” I said. “This is my sister Destiny” I continued as I introduced my sister.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you” I said, grabbing the ends of my skirt and curtsied in a royal manner. “Oh, the pleasure is all mine Dynasty. Are you a princess? Cause you sure are well mannered” Mickey asked. I shook my head. “No, I’m not a princess. Thanks for the compliment though.” I smiled brightly. 

“My circus is about to start, would you ladies like to see it? ” Mickey offered. I accepted the offer but Destiny refused. “Sorry mouse, we’re in a hurry” she sneered. ‘Hurry? Hurry to what and where?’ I thought. I wanted to ask what we’re hurrying to. But Destiny is stressed out. She needs to relax. 

“Come on Des. You seem stressed. Besides, you could use a little entertainment ” I said trying to convince Destiny to go. She soon gave in. “Fine” she said. I smiled and hugged her. Mickey smiled and stepped to the side so Destiny and I could walk in. “Enjoy the show girls” Mickey called.

Destiny and I took a seat in the audience. I saw Destiny looking around suspiciously at everyone else. “Destiny, what’s the problem” I asked. Destiny looked at me. “You can't be too careful in these sorts of places. I don’t trust these people'' she said indignantly. I rolled my eyes and giggled quietly. Then I caught a glimpse at another wolf and demon a few rows down from us. They were both male. I was in shock. There was another pair of wolf and demon siblings. Or I assume so. 

“Des look, there’s a demon and wolf just like us” I said excitedly. Destiny didn’t look the least happy. “Don’t get your hopes up, Dyna” she said. I rolled my eyes again, only this time I was serious. ‘Seriously. What’s the deal’ I thought. Soon the lights dimmed and the circus started. 


After the show Destiny and I walked to the back of the stage. There, we met up Mickey talking to the wolf and demon. “Hey Mickey” I called. The three looked over at me and Mickey waved. “Hey girls. Did you like the show” he asked. “We sure did” I said. Destiny just growled quietly. I was about to say something when I felt pain in my chest. 

‘Oh no, not now’

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