17| When Darkness Falls

Start from the beginning

He was in a holding cell all alone with nobody to turn to, Derek knew it couldn't get any worse than this.

He needed to speak to Melissa, he needed to make her realise this was all just a terrible mistake, that he simply had no control over.

He tore himself off the bed, as he helplessly staggered to the steel bars, he caught sight of a police officer, slouched on a chair, fixated on his cellphone, paying very little attention to his present surroundings.

Derek rattled the gate screaming and pleading to get the man's attention.

Eventually, the police officer noticed Derek and furrowed his thick bushy brown eyebrows at him with annoyance.

"Yes?" The police officer asked him impatiently.

" I need to speak to my wife," Derek calmly stated.

"Please, I am allowed at least one phone call."

The man shrugged his shoulders, before disinterestedly looking back at his phone.

"The detective shall be with you shortly. " Derek heard the officer say before taking a long sip of his Coffee.

Derek gritted his teeth angrily, before collapsing back on the uncomfortable, cold hard bed, the sharp springs of the mattress digging mercilessly into him.

He felt the fury burning up inside him again and wondered what the hell was next soon to follow.

It felt like hours had passed, with no sign of anything changing, until Derek saw a different face emerge in the room, a short little man with black-rimmed glasses, appeared holding a thick file in his hands as if he were guarding it with his life.

He steered directly to Derek's cell, saluting the officer a formal grin as he strutted past him.

"Hello, Mr Clarence." Derek heard the officer say to the man who just entered the room.

Derek couldn't help but noticing that this man had shifty looking eyes and he didn't like the look of him one bit.

" Good to see you are awake!" Mr Clarence smiled broadly, revealing the gold chip in his front tooth.

"We have lots to discuss Mr Peterson."

Mr Clarence, hand signalled to the police officer, to get the handcuffs.

"I want to speak to my wife..." Derek pleaded with the detective.

"You will get to speak to your wife when we are done here."Mr Clarence quickly interjected him.

" You are in my police station now- you don't get to call any shots do you hear me?"

As much as Derek wanted to smash this man's teeth, down his throat, in single file he knew he had to hold his tongue; bite his lip and follow the man's orders.

The gate was quickly unlocked and he cringed at the handcuffs being forcefully slapped on his wrists, the police officer, deliberately driving them as hard as he could in Derek's wrists, grinning with a sadistic look of amusement on his face, as he watched him flinch in discomfort.

Derek was then lead down a long narrow hallway, Mr Clarence leading the way, The detective suddenly stopped and opened the door, Derek was met with what appeared to be the interrogation room, it was like every interrogation room that was typically in a police station, a small-sized room with a cold eerie atmosphere and a single table with two chairs, on either side of the table, facing a two-sided mirror.

"Have a seat Mr Peterson." The detective insisted, grabbing the very first chair at the table.

As Derek walked in the officer behind him was next to follow but for some odd reason, Mr Clarence did not want the officer present in the room.

Derek collapsed on the hard uncomfortable plastic chair, glancing over at the Dunkin doughnuts box on the table reminding him how insatiably ravenous he was at this moment.

He would have given anything to have even the smallest bite of that jelly doughnut protruding out of that box, and knew very well his next meal would only be a prison meal.

Derek's thoughts soon shifted to the detective he pulled out the large file he had been holding for so long and rested it on the table in front of Derek.

Mr Clarence, waited for the officer to leave before proceeding.

"The gun has been sent off to the lab," the detective informed Derek.

"We have your wife as a witness to prove you killed both her parents, one for the suspicion of murder and now her father. Once the results are back and she stands trial Your life will surely be over." Mr Clarence confidently informed him.

" But I didn't do it." Derek protested.

" It was that bitch she drove me to do it..."

His thoughts recollecting back to when he thought Edward was David.

"Your wife? Mrs Peterson?"Mr Clarence asked frowning in confusion.

"No..."Derek abruptly answered him. You wouldn't understand. Nobody understands, not even Melissa does..."

Derek knew telling the detective the truth would lead him getting put in a straight jacket, he had a strong suspicion he was well on his way to getting put in one too.

" You want to know what I don't understand?" Mr Clarence asked with a sarcastic tone in his voice.

"What a beautiful, woman like that, sees in a crazy fuck like you!"

His lips formed into a twisted smirk.

"Don't worry, Mr Peterson, I know some ex-convict friends of mine who would love to service that sweet little ass in your absence." he chuckled wickedly under his breathe.

Derek saw nothing but rage at this moment.

" Don't you fucking touch her!"

He could feel his entire body, trembling at this point as he raised his voice to Mr Clarence.

He knew the cops, in this town, were crooked and this asshole was no exception.

That hateful prick could count himself lucky he was in handcuffs...Derek thought to himself, furiously.

Suddenly, he caught sight of that bitch emerging from the shadows, she was coming straight for the detective, she gave Derek a heinous grin before he had time to even warn the detective what was behind him it was already too late. The woman plunged at the detective with what appeared to be a huge piece of glass in her hands, Derek watched her take the glass and drive it into the side of the man's head again and again; like the savage beast, she was. Derek couldn't take the sight of it anymore and squeezed his eyes closed, as the detective's brains splattered everywhere accompanied with agonising screams moments away from plunging to his death.

For the first time in Derek's life, he was terrified, he wondered to himself, what she had in store for him next or worse his family who he no longer could protect, Derek knew she had him right where she wanted him...

For the first time in Derek's life, he was terrified, he wondered to himself, what she had in store for him next or worse his family who he no longer could protect, Derek knew she had him right where she wanted him

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In the Process of being edited and rewritten.

Total word count:1636

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