He knew he didn't have a choice so 40 disappeared into the dark back rooms.
The artist watched her face unmoved from what she originally was hearing, "I could've sworn I finished this beat" yawning her brown lined lips folded as she leaned back in her chair "Finished?" the artist questioned.

"You can talk I thought you were having a staring competition with the back of my head" Turning in her seat she faced the artist.
Her eyes slightly widened once she realized who it was, his dark eyes pierced hers, he expected an apology but she sat there glaring back at him.

"You don't think that's some rude shit to say" The woman's face looked so focused on him but there was no remorse or fear on her face, finally blinking she cheered "I won".

"Won what?"
"Oh you were staring at me so I turned around for a rematch" his lips cracked into a smile before he could realize "You gotta go bro" "I'm the winner so I make the demands" Dami crossed her legs thinking of a prize in her mind.

"The fuck-"
"Double my pay"
"Pay?! What are you on about?"
"My prize, you lost fair in square" his hand came down over his waves.

"Yo, where's Chubbs?" shrugging her shoulders Dami turned back around focusing on the job she was given, as time passed the door opened "Finally I don't understand why the fuck you brought this girl to my studio session. I don't even know this broad" "Wow Aubrey, I would've preferred bitch or hoe. Broad's highkey cruel".

Spinning back around her eyes landed on the two men still standing by the door "You talking about D?"

"Mamas?" the tall brown man looked confused "Like the new hairstyle" she quizzed.
"When you get back?" Watching his security rush over to the woman he was supposed to be escorting out he was utterly confused.

"D, did you even introduce yourself?"
"You didn't add the talk to niggas fee" she spoke from under Chubb's body mass, his bear hugs were deadly.

"She jokes too damn much"
"I don't care if she a comedian bro, who is she? Why is she here touching my shit?" Sighing heavily he thought of how to introduce his best friend professionally.

"This is one of my mentors, she's taught me everything I know and I thought it would be cool to book her for our session"
"Was this your surprise?" Aubrey frowned, pacing the room while Dami was now set free from Chubb's clutches.

"She's not needed-"
"Hold on, D can you please introduce yourself"
"Fine, Hello I am Oluwadamilola Adesina. I also go by Damz, I am a producer, engineer, and songwriter" Walking forward she stretched out her hand for him to shake.

"Are y'all playing some type of joke?" speeding towards her purse she pulled out her company ID placing it in his palm.

"CEO and Founder, Damz made Idyllic Recording Association and is the current and only label head. My ID says it right there" Examining the thick piece of plastic it didn't look fake or quickly made yet he was still suspicious.

"I literally worked for you the first eight years of your career, you've seen my face before" He shook his head in all honesty he had never seen this woman before, for her to be making such claims she had to have some kind of proof of her accolades.

"I know everyone in my studio and I'm sorry but I've never seen you. Even if it was the start of my career, I have great memory" he leaned his back against the boning of the couch.
The hard plastic in his hand didn't convince him either.

These days anyone can produce anything, it's getting harder to sort fake from real.
"But Noah is confirming everything that I'm saying, is his word not credible"
"It is-"
"Chubbs knows me as well, what's the other excuse" Dami's lips folded as she waited for an answer.

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