5. Only Way

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Thanks to coincidencless at Fanfiction.net for editing

AN: Ever since starting this series, I've been torn between two conflicting desires. One, to be taken seriously, and the other, to spam memes and Charisk trash. Frisk: God of the World was a product of both desires, while New Life veered more towards the latter.

But this one is all business.

... mostly.


Holy shit.

It had hit him. He had figured it out. He knew how to beat Cathleen. It was so simple; how had he not thought of it sooner? If he were still Flowey, he would have realized it immediately, but his time as Asriel had made him soft. There was only one thing they had to do, one step to get the resets back. If they did it, they could go back and stop Cathleen before she made her move, and it was so simple.

Chara just had to kill Sans.

From experience, Asriel knew how much EXP Sans was worth; fifty-thousand, enough to instantly take anyone to LV 19. At least, that was the value Sans had possessed back Underground. Considering his overwhelming popularity with the humans, that number had certainly gone even higher. At this point, Asriel wouldn't be surprised if killing Sans was an instant ticket to LV 20, because of course it was. Freaking God skeleton...

In any case, that much EXP would easily allow Chara to regain control of the timeline. She could load her SAVE file, and they could undo everything Cathleen and her followers had done. Everyone who had died would be okay; Mom would be okay. In the end, no one would get hurt, except for the hostile demons, of course. Although letting Chara reach LV 19 may be a little risky, it would disappear as soon as she reset. After all, it wasn't truly murder if he came back, right? What reason did they have not to do it?

... was this really okay? They could kill Sans knowing that they could reset, but wasn't that the same mentality that drove Cathleen? Was it okay to temporarily murder someone for the greater good? It seemed like it would solve all their problems, but it just felt so... dirty, killing their own friend to win. That wasn't something that should have been the solution to anything. Don't kill, and don't be killed; that was the best one could strive for.

Oh, screw it, screw it! They needed this. It was the only way to bring Mom back. Just off Smiley Trashbag, and everyone would be saved. Now, where was Chara?

Asriel went to the Reservoir Chamber. He found her sitting against the wall with her eyes closed. He nudged her shoulder, and she groggily looked at him. "H-huh? What?"

"Chara, I have an idea," Asriel said. "Come with me."

"Why...? Okay." Chara stood, and Asriel looked for a place they could talk in secret. He found that the meeting room was empty, so he led her in there.

"This should be good," Asriel said.

"Why the secrecy?" Chara asked. "What is this idea you speak of?"

"It's simple," Asriel answered. "We, uh, kill Sans."

Chara's red eyes popped. "Wait, what?"

"H-hear me out," Asriel stammered. "Sans is worth a ton of EXP. If you kill him, you'll definitely be World Master again."

Chara cringed. "Even if that is true, do you not realize how repulsive this suggestion is? Should I kill Sans, then how would I be any better than our enemies? The ability to reset is no excuse to behave as one pleases. Reset or no reset, murder is murder."

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