miyuki kazuya x reader

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y/n has been watching her friend and crush, miyuki kazuya, looking around her room trying to find something. he hadn't said what he was trying to find but she could tell, he was looking for his glasses. trying to find something without the things that helped him see definitely made life harder.

after about ten minutes of watching him suffer, y/n finally decided she would help him. except she wasn't actually helping since she knew where they were, she was the one who hid them in the first place. kazuya didn't have his glasses off often, if she managed to see him sleeping he'd have his eye mask on, if it was at practice or games he'd have his sport glasses on and for anything else, he had his normal glasses on.

she admired being able to see kazuya's face, without anything else on it.

"no wonder he gets called 'pretty boy catcher' with a face like that, he definitely lives up to it," y/n thought to herself before her thoughts were interrupted by the same person, catching her staring.

"stop standing around and actually help find them," he sounded a little grumpy which is understandable.

"only if you say please," y/n teased.

"we're in your room right now and i'm sure there's something embarrassing i could use to blackmail you with," he threatened.

"would you be able to find it when you're half blind though?"

"oh shush, just help me find them," he said irritated, "where did i even put them? i swear i had them right next to me."

"you sure you didn't move them or something?"

"no, i took them off and put them on the table right next to me before i fell asleep."

y/n opened a few cupboards, pretending to search seriously as if the glasses could somehow get up off the table and end up in a cupboard a few metres away.

"the rest of your family's still not home yet, right?"

"yeah, they don't come back for a few hours," y/n was actually a little surprised he hadn't figure out that she had hid the glasses herself. although he did seem really tired earlier and woke up a little grumpy.

kazuya paused where he was standing in the middle of the room and squinted at y/n's pocket, seeing a weird bump. a glasses shaped bump.

"what's in your pocket?" he asked moving closer to her.

"my pocket? there's nothing in there," she tried to reply in a way that would make it believable.

"let me see," he was now standing right in front of y/n.

with the cupboard behind her and kazuya in front, she could only move sideways. she lost her chance when kazuya placed his hand on the cupboard behind her, making her heart beat faster.

he reached into her pocket and took out his stolen glasses, cleaning the lens with the bottom of his shirt before putting them on.

"nothing, huh?"

y/n blushed, even after kazuya got his glasses back and put them on he hadn't moved back. he stood in the same spot, the same amount of distance between them for two minutes before y/n moved to the side since there was no arm blocking her way.

"aw are you blushing?" kazuya teased.

"n-no, why would i be?" she said, failing to hide her embarrassment.

"stuttering too? am i really so good looking that you get like this after being close to me for two minutes?" he had a smirk on his face.

y/n's blush spread across her face, turning into a deeper red.

"y/n you idiot! why did you have to look at him?" she mentally scolded herself.

the smirk on kazuya's face stayed there, seeing how flustered he managed to make y/n.

"next time you steal them, i might just have to kiss you," he said getting close to her again.

"as if i'd hate that," she mumbled hoping kazuya wouldn't hear, but since he was right in front of her, he did.

"oh, so you'd be fine with it if i kissed you right now?"

"w-what? i never said that."

"i may be half blind but my hearing's pretty much perfect."

y/n looked down at the floor, not wanting kazuya ti see her blushing anymore. he didn't say a word or even make a sound after, he stood in the same place too so y/n looked up to see what kind of face he was making. the smirk was long gone and he actually looked serious now.

"would you actually be fine with it if i kissed you right this moment?" he asked again, not in a way to tease and fluster her.

"why?" she managed to get out one word without stuttering.

"just answer the question, truthfully. would you be ok with it?"

"i-i guess so," her cheeks heated up once again when she processed everything that was happening.

"can i kiss you then?" he still had that serious look on his face, not a sign of teasing to be found in his actions or words.

y/n thought for a second, "why did he want to kiss her? could it be he liked her back? was he just teasing her and acting the whole seriousness?"

"n-never mind, that was a stupid question."

did she just hear the miyuki kazuya stutter? "so he probably wasn't faking it."

"uh no it's fine," she answered looking down again.

y/n looked straight into kazuya's eyes, he didn't see a hint of a possible lie from her. deciding to take his chances he leaned down to kiss her, pausing for a moment in case she changed her mind. y/n didn't moved and waited for the kiss.

kazuya cupped her cheek with one hand and kissed her softly, y/n kissed back, half not believing this was really happening. after a few seconds they both pulled back, both blushing a little.

"so i guess this means you like me?" kazuya asked, breaking the silence.

y/n nodded, "do you like me back?"

"do i look like the type of person that would kiss someone they don't like? of course i like you."

it took a minute or two before y/n was able to fully process everything properly, when she did, she couldn't help but smile.

a/n: i'm so bad at writing kiss scenes hfjgjdk but i hope you guys liked it ^^
also not gonna proofread cause i'm lazy and i'll end up cringing so ignore any mistakes

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