"I came to see you since I forgot last night." not a total lie, but he didn't need to know about my latest adventures with the pogues.

"get in and let's go back to sleep then." he pulls back the covers and scoots over to make room. I crawl in, and we lay next to each other, both on our backs. "what had you so busy last night?"

"oh nothing, just my smoking hot boyfriend."

in a flash, he's propped up on his elbow and his face is slightly pink. "boyfriend?"

I chuckle before hitting his arm. "it was a joke, stupid." I tell him, and he lets out a deep breath. "you know I am too hard to cuff."

"yeah, don't I know it." he mutters, causing me to hit him again. "hey!" before I can slap his arm arm, his hand grabs my wrist to stop me. we both stiffen at the contact, and honestly a wrist grab can bring on some sexual tension.

"can we talk about everything that's been happening lately?" I ask in a quiet voice. did I want to? no. but I couldn't let there be this awkwardness between us either. I liked it better when we argued about the whole Rafe Cameron's girl thing. "I just don't want to worry about things being different."

"don't worry about it, Lyv." Rafe tells me, letting go of my wrist and looking up at the ceiling. "I'm already over it."

"over what?"

"over you."

when his words hit me, I stare at him for a few seconds before getting up from the bed. "okay, then I don't know why I'm here." I want to snap at him, get angry, but I can't. this was what I wanted right?

I was having fun with JJ. it was easy, senseless, and he was right for me. so why did it hurt when Rafe said those words?


I didn't realize I had fallen asleep by the water until a seagull decided to announce its presence. right next to my ear. a string of curses comes from my mouth as I stare down the bird before shooing it away. my hand then reaches for my phone to check it, and I see two missed calls from JJ.

when I call him back, I stand up and dust myself off. he answers and in a cheery voice says, "well hey there hot stuff. what're you doing?"

"I'm on the beach, think you can come pick me up?" I ask, groaning in pain from the uncomfortable nap. "I fell asleep in the sand."

"of course you did. just send me your location and I'll be right there." I thank him before hanging up the phone and texting him my location.

while waiting on JJ, I stand in the water letting it wash over my feet and lower legs. the seagulls start going crazy again, making me roll my eyes. damn annoying birds. I ditch the beach to avoid them and decide to start walking, updating my status to JJ.

this day was already going to shit, and I was only hoping to turn it around. something gave me the feeling it wouldn't. first, I had to get up so early, and I was not a morning person whatsoever.

then, Rafe wanted to go back to being a dick. or maybe he never stopped being a dick. I was so confused as to why it was so difficult with him, and why I even cared. he was nineteen, I was sixteen. Sarah was my friend but that didn't mean he had to be.

a dirt bike pulls up beside me with JJ grinning on it. "excuse me miss, a pretty girl like yourself shouldn't be walking alone." he jokes in a weird voice, and I laugh.

"well, maybe there's a big strong man that could give me a ride." I try to mimic his pitch, only to fail. "do you know where I can find one, I haven't seen one 'round here. maybe even a dirt bike daddy?"

safe haven - jj maybank / rafe cameron Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя